Why become an ACL member?

ACL members find support for their unique librarian roles, enjoy community with other like-minded librarians, and gain valuable resources for their libraries to serve with excellence.


Community & Collaboration

Collaborate with Christian librarians worldwide via our member discussion list. Connect with other librarians in similar work environments through sections and professional interest groups.

ACL Annual Conference

Attend the ACL keystone event each year, where members learn, network, engage, collaborate, and are encouraged for the year ahead. Members enjoy a $90 discount on conference registration.

Spiritual Encouragement

Gain insight and encouragement to serve others well as a Christ-following librarian. Read the monthly devotional, submit confidential prayer requests, and/or join the prayer team.

Make a Valuable Impact

Join with other librarian members to impact the field of librarianship, help other librarian colleagues grow in the profession, and strengthen individual libraries.

Save Your Library Money

Full membership in ACL qualifies your institution to join our Christian Library Consortium (CLC) which provides group purchases and significant discounts on popular library resources.

Access to Library Resources

Members gain valuable resources to improve your library and services for its users. Expand your services by joining the ILL, Reciprocal Borrowing Program, or Christian Library Network.

ACL Journal Subscription

The official publication of ACL, The Christian Librarian offers a variety of content including book reviews, articles and peer-reviewed content. Articles are relevant to faith and librarianship and best practices in library science.

Librarian-to-librarian Support

Our members are our greatest resources so ask your library-related questions! Members can also join the FREE ACL Mentoring program to gain wisdom and knowledge from a more seasoned librarian.

Who can join ACL?

Any Christian who supports the Purpose of ACL and understands and upholds the identity of the Association as expressed in the Statement of Faith, is eligible for membership, regardless of job title or educational background.

Our Purpose

As stated in the ACL Bylaws, our Purpose is to provide for the advancement of library sciences, especially within Christian organizations, both within and outside of North America… (See Pages 1-2 of ACL Bylaws for full Purpose statement)

To achieve the Purpose, ACL shall direct and carry on these and other related activities:

  1. Promote the continued professional, scholarly and spiritual growth of all Christian librarians in institutions of higher learning.
  2. Encourage the development of libraries in institutions of higher learning—especially Christian institutions—by exchanging ideas and materials.
  3. Advance the standards of library service in institutions of higher learning.

Questions? Please reach out to the Executive Director.

Faith Affirmation

ACL recognizes that different Christian denominations and traditions use different language to express the heart of historic Christian faith as articulated in the following verses of Scripture.

John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

Romans 10:9 – “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Matthew 28:19 – “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Statement of Faith

We believe that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe the Bible in its original writings to be the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.

We believe in the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious death and atonement through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal and visible return in power and glory.

We believe that man was created in the image of God, that he was tempted by Satan and fell, and that, because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary for salvation.

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life, and by Whom the Church is empowered to carry out Christ’s great commission.

We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost, those who are saved unto the resurrection of life and those who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.

Which one of the 8 options below best describes you?


Academic Librarians

at Christian or Secular Institutions

Membership Rate
Based on Salary


Library School Students

Employed as Academic Librarian

Membership Rate



Library School Students

Not Employed as Academic Librarian

Membership Rate



Non-Librarian Library Employee

Membership Rate
$50 or $75



Public Librarians

Currently Employed at Public Library

Membership Rate
$50 or $75


K-12 Librarians

 Public or Christian School Librarians

Membership Rate
$50 or $75



Church Librarians, Special Librarians, Those Not Employed in Libraries, etc.

Membership Rate
$50 or $75


Those who have never been ACL members before enjoy a $40 First-Time Member Rate


What else should I know about individual membership in ACL?

Membership Period

The ACL individual membership period aligns with the calendar year and expires on December 31, regardless of the join or renewal date. However, applications received on or after October 1 will extend membership through the following year.

Membership Scholarships

Working as a librarian outside of the US or Canada? Learn more about our International Member Scholarship!

The International Member Scholarship was established by the Commission for International Library Advancement (CILA) so that membership dues would not be a hindrance to international librarians joining ACL. The scholarship covers membership dues for the current, enrolling membership year. Scholarships are awarded on a “first come, first serve” basis, with up to 25 scholarships awarded per year. Individuals must meet the following criteria, to be eligible for participation:

  1. The applicant must be a practicing librarian (full-time or part-time) in academia outside of the United States and Canada, making the equivalent of under $10,000 USD annually.
  2. The applicant agrees to support the Purpose of ACL and understands and upholds the identity of the Association as expressed in the Statement of Faith.

To Apply: Complete the ACL membership application and check the box “Would you like to apply for the International Membership Scholarship?” Then complete the additional required questions. On the payment section of the application please choose “Pay by Mail” and submit application.

Applicants can expect to receive notification within 14 days of submitting their application. ACL reserves the right to cancel a scholarship or change the criteria for awarding scholarships at any time.

Membership Cost

Full Member Rates
First-Time Member Rate $40
Library Student Rate $35
Annual Salary $0-$19,999 $50
Annual Salary $20,000-$39,999 $70
Annual Salary $40,000-$59,999 $90
Annual Salary $60,000-$79,999 $110
Annual Salary $80,000+ $135


Associate Member Rates
First-time Member Rate $40
Retired or Library Student Rate $35
Annual Salary $0-$39,999 $50
Annual Salary $40,000+ $75

Membership FAQ

Some of our members are having issues setting up new passwords in our new membership management system. Please email info@acl.org and we can give you a temporary password to renew your membership.
Academic librarians pay higher membership fees due to the ACL’s strong focus on academic librarians. This focus results in more resources and services tailored to academic librarians, leading to higher costs. Christian librarians out side of academia are welcome and Associate members receive a discounted membership rate. ALL members gain valuable knowledge and practical guidance no matter their library context.

A full ACL individual member is an academic librarian or a one who is enrolled in library school but also serves in a librarian role at an academic librarian. ACL’s definition of full membership is based on the librarian role or function within an academic institution, rather than specific educational qualifications or degrees.

Your individual ACL membership is not transferable and stays with you even if you change roles or jobs. Be sure to let us know of any employment or contact info changes so we can keep your membership record up to date.

Please email the ACL Home Office at info@acl.org to get your username and password.

Yes, there are several ways to receive a discount on your ACL membership. Librarians outside of the US and Canada can apply for an international membership scholarship. Returning members facing financial hardships can also receive assistance. Moreover, librarians can earn credit towards ACL membership by becoming an indexer for the Christian Periodical Index. Additionally, those enrolled in library school can benefit from a reduced membership rate of $35.

A membership in the Association of Christian Librarians (ACL) is for a an individual member regardless of if they are currently employed or not. A membership in the Christian Library Consortium (CLC) is for a Christian institution of higher education that has a current individual ACL member on staff.

The ACL membership year runs from January-December of any given year, yet applications for membership are welcome at any time. After October 1st, all applications received will be applied to the following year of membership.

We love to keep our membership records up-to-date to serve you best. Please fill out this google form with any employment or contact information changes.
Some of our members are having issues setting up new passwords in our new membership management system. Please email info@acl.org and we can give you a temporary password to renew your membership.