To help libraries maximize their budgets, ACL created the Christian Library Consortium (CLC) to provide group discounts and resource sharing for Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries.
Institutional membership in the CLC provides…
Ability to stretch your library budget with significant cost savings on popular library services and products
An annual opportunity to highlight your library & scholarship at your institution with the ACL Research Award
Library resource sharing through OCLC’s Christian Library Network
The ability to send one non-ACL member from your library to the ACL Annual Conference at the member rate ($90 savings)
Who can join the Christian Library Consortium (CLC)?
Any Christian academic institution of higher education who has at least one full individual ACL member.
Membership Period
Institutional membership in CLC runs July 1 through June 30. There is no grace period with CLC memberships. CLC applications and payments must be completed before taking advantage of current CLC offers.
Full Individual ACL Member Requirement
A full ACL individual member is an academic librarian or a one who is enrolled in library school but also serves in a librarian role at an academic library. ACL’s definition of full membership is based on the librarian role or function within an academic institution, rather than specific educational qualifications or degrees.
CLC Institutional Member List
An institution may share a single CLC membership only in the scenario detailed in the FAQ. Nearly 200 libraries are represented in the CLC intuitional membership. See what institutions take part in our cost-saving consortium.
CLC Annual Membership Dues
Read how libraries have benefited from their CLC Membership:
CLC Team Members
Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator
Trevecca Nazarene University
Pam Greenlee
Olivet Nazarene University
Scott Lloyd
Mount St. Joseph University
Rebekah Leidenfrost
New Saint Andrews College
David Purdy
Crandall University