Dorothy Smith is the Acquisitions Librarian at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (FTE: 2200) in Fort Worth, TX. She has been a member of ACL since 2015. You can follow her on Twitter @DorothyJESmith.
Describe yourself using a book title: Verily, a New Hope by Ian Doescher
What’s the best thing about being a librarian? The greatest joy as a librarian comes from empowering students with the information literacy skills and resources they need. To that end, acquiring much-needed titles for the collection is a close second.
What are you currently reading? Just finished several; considering one of David McCullough’s next.
Describe ACL in three words: Friendly, Supportive, Community
How do you, as an academic librarian, contribute to your campus? My contributions include choosing new titles, purchasing and receiving items, receiving donations, serving as a Personal Librarian to hundreds of students per semester, providing support in library instruction sessions, and providing chat reference services.
I began my career as a my home town. Now I have the privilege of serving in an institution halfway across the country. Thankful for this adventure called life.
How were you introduced to ACL? Thanks to Dr. Craig Kubic, joining ACL was the first order of business when I joined the SWBTS team.
What do you value about ACL? ACL is such a supportive network of like-minded friends.