Esther is the Dean of the Library at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA (10,000 FTE). Esther has been an ACL member since 2013.
Describe yourself using a book title: Pilgrim’s Progress – goes along with my blog Sojourner Pilgrim’s Diary: the extraordinary life of an ordinary person
What’s the best thing about being a librarian? Access to and privilege of helping to preserve and share such rich resources about God and the Christian life
What are you currently reading? The Integration of Psychology and Christianity: A Domain Based Approach by William Hathaway and Mark Yarhouse
Describe ACL in three words: Amazing, Supportive, Connecting
How do you (or How have you), as an academic librarian, contribute to your campus? I seek to stay well informed about campus initiatives, events and programs so that the library can offer the right resources and services to undergird and make more visible the topics, trending interests, and cultural concerns the campus is exploring.
I began my career as a librarian… accidentally. As a freshman in college, I was fortunate to get a job in the library at Houghton College. I loved the atmosphere and the perks. I continued to work as a staff person in various libraries until I finally realized I would benefit from making librarianship my profession.
What do you value about ACL? The Christian perspectives
How were you introduced to ACL? Colleagues at Roberts Wesleyan College and Northeastern Seminary
How are you or have you been involved in ACL? attended conferences…encouraged participation in CLC…talked others into attending…
Do you have any specific interests in the library world? Theological librarianship