Timeline: Ongoing
Discount available on R2 Digital Library, a web-based collection of Health Science eBooks enabling access to multiple publishers on one platform.
R2 Digital Library is a web-based collection of health science eBooks enabling access to multiple publishers on one platform. Institutions can purchase individual titles in the clinical areas of Nursing, Allied Health, and Medicine. With our consortial discount, the annual maintenance fee, typically $1,200 is reduced to $400 annually for each participating institution. The fee will be waived in the first year for any institution making their first purchase. An existing active customer can take advantage of the reduced annual maintenance fee. Rittenhouse offers a no-obligation evidence-based PDA (Patron Driven Acquisition) program, which is a great option for a no-risk eBook Collection.
For more information or to begin a trial of R2, contact Gina Ferrigno.