What’s better than gaining knowledge and fellowship through the ACL Conference each year? You guessed it – it’s earning continuing education units while you’re there too!
Each year, ACL provides opportunities for professional development and continuing education in the form of ACL-Pro workshops, which are included as part of your conference registration whether you’re joining us in-person or virtually. ACL-Pro is the arm of the Association of Christian Librarians that offers continuing education units, or CEUs, for qualifying continuing education and training activities.
We’re excited to announce two fascinating ACL-Pro workshops at this year’s conference:

Embedding Librarians & Libraries into the Campus LMS
Panelists: Robert Burgess, Mississippi College; Miriam Liethen, Grace College; Taylor Vanlandingham, John Brown University // Moderator: Kirsten Setzkorn, Cedarville University
Discover how librarians creatively practice embedded librarianship in the context of their campus’ learning management system. Learn from each panelist’s unique experience establishing and growing an embedded program, as well as the greatest benefits and challenges they faced along the way. Discussion will include the many forms embedded librarianship can take. Participants will come away inspired with tangible ideas on how to implement their own embedded program to the benefit of their students and institutions.

Creative Roles: How to Use Student Workers in Unique Ways
Panelists: Leslie Starasta, Lincoln Christian University; Gary Fitsimmons, Bryan College; Jean Waldrop, Harding University; Crystal Whitham, Allegheny Wesleyan College // Moderator: Kari Siders, Cedarville University
Many libraries use or place students in standard roles such as circulation or book processing, yet to fulfill the needs of the library, students can be trained and trusted to accomplish so much more. Students in these libraries were placed in roles that included tasks such as libguide creation, ILLs, social media, archives, cataloging, and more. This workshop will expand your idea of the typical student worker role and encourage you to consider how you can utilize students more fully at your library.
ACL-Pro workshops cover innovative topics in librarianship with a focus on actionable steps that you can implement at your library. Through the practical application of these concepts, you will be better equipped to take your library to the next level.
Participation in these workshops (in person or online) makes you eligible to receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs). To obtain CEUs for attendance at one or both ACL-Pro workshops participants will be asked to complete an evaluation form after the session.