Note from the Coordinator
Greetings! I want to thank each one of you for renewing your CLC membership for 2024-2025! I trust that your membership will continue to be of benefit to your library.
This format is our new mode of communication that will be distributed to the primary and secondary contact of your CLC record. You can come back to the CLC Update portion of our website at anytime to view these updates.
To all who were able to attend either the CLC Membership Meeting at the in-person conference or the Lunch with CLC during the virtual portion (or both), we were glad to see you! We appreciated your interaction and feedback. For those who couldn’t make it, a short recap of the information shared is below.
Looking forward to another great year together,

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator
CLC Meeting Summary
The CLC team was introduced, including Beth Purtee as the CLC Team Coordinator, along with Pam Greenlee, Rebekah Leidenfrost, and Scott Lloyd as members-at-large. The goals for 2023-2025 were discussed, with the 2023-2024 objectives focusing on recruiting an additional member-at-large, expanding consortial vendor options, and investigating the expansion of the Reciprocal Borrowing Program to include virtual libraries. For 2024-2025, the goals include recruiting another member-at-large to assist with vendor partnerships, continuing to expand vendor options, and collaborating with the ACL Home office to make changes to the CLC newsletter.
Time-sensitive offers were highlighted, including deals from Perlego (June 21), EBSCO Spring Offer (June 21), World Trade Press (July 1), and Bloomsbury (July 14). Updates on the ACL Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Reciprocal Borrowing Programs (RBP) were provided. The ACL ILL continues to support smaller schools and make unique collections available, with thanks extended to lenders. The ACL RBP is being reviewed to potentially include virtual-only libraries and to clarify policies for lenders.
Current conversations about new discounts are ongoing or forthcoming with several potential partners, including AM Digital, Docuseek, Grammarly, Loeb Digital Library, ACRL Benchmark, and Proquest. Members are encouraged to express interest in these possibilities by contacting or submitting additional suggestions via the Suggestion Form.
During the Q&A session, discussions covered the timeline for new offers, with survey results indicating a bi-annual release to capture a broader audience. The CLC leadership confirmed that CLC members receive a 15% discount on CPI and reviewed details on products such as Third Iron and Perlego. Questions were raised as to whether ACRL Benchmark’s offer applies only to the US and if the offer from Demco would return; these were noted for further investigation. Suggestions included exploring consortial discounts for Bible software like Accordance and direct physical purchase offers from publishers (i.e. Baylor UP, B&H Academic, Lexham).
Below are a few pictures from the CLC Meeting and Poster at the 2024 ACL Annual Conference.

There is still time to take advantage of our Bloomsbury consortial discount, but the open enrollment period closes July 14. In addition to the minimum 15% consortial discount available to CLC members, Bloomsbury is currently providing a special discount on some of their religion resources – deadline also July 14.
An additional 10% discount is available for the following products:
- t&t clark Theology Library
- t&t clark Jesus Library
- Library of Catholic Thought
- Bloomsbury Religion in North America
- Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary
- Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries
- Eerdmans Digital Reference Library
- Eerdmans Bible Commentaries: New Testament
- Eerdmans Bible Commentaries: Old Testament
- t&t clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism
For the Bloomsbury ebook collections linked below, there is a 20-35% discount available:
- Take 20% off Frontlist Collections (2022, 2023, 2024)
- 35% off Backlist Collections (2021 and earlier/Archive)
Please contact Katie Bennett, our Bloomsbury rep, for quotes/pricing information.
Did you know that CLC members get a 10% discount on a subscription to Galaxie’s Theological Journal Library (TJL)? The deadline to participate in this year’s offer is September 11. Please fill out the order form on the website. Current TJL subscribers can transition to the ACL/CLC billing cycle to take advantage of the cost savings. Please contact Hampton Keathley and fill out the order form as soon as possible if you are interested in making this switch.
Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) provides access to over 25,000 theological thesis/dissertation titles. Our partnership with TREN offers CLC members a 10% discount (possibly higher based on participation) on an annual subscription. Those who already subscribe to TREN through the CLC offer will receive a notification of continuance. To participate as a new subscriber, please fill out the order form on the website. Deadline for participation is September 11.
Make plans to participate in the CLC EBSCO Fall 2024 eBook offer, which will run mid-September through mid-December! We will provide more details as they become available.

Interested in a self-checkout option for your library? Meescan offers CLC members a 10% discount on an annual license. A webinar/demo of their product, including an additional equipment discount, will be coming soon. Watch for details.