Member of the Month

8/2024 – Leslie Starasta

Leslie is the Associate Director of Library Services at Illinois State Library (2,000+ card holders) in Springfield, IL. Leslie has been an ACL member for 24 years.

Describe yourself using a book title: The Little Engine That Could

What’s the best thing about being a librarian? Being a librarian provides opportunities for a vast variety of tasks and continual learning. But the best thing is connecting patrons with the information they need.

What are you currently reading? Great to Good by Jae Hoon Lee (IVP 2024)

Describe ACL in three words: Community – Supportive – Home

How do you (or How have you), as a librarian, contribute to your community? In my new position, I’m behind the scenes ensuring the library is using our resources optimally and exercising fiscal responsibility.

My professional career began…as a jr. high and high school librarian while in library school. I managed 2 small libraries. That position provided invaluable experience in grant writing and automating a collection.

What do you value about ACL? Friendship and connection. In ACL, you are known and valued as a person.

How were you introduced to ACL? My first year at Lincoln Christian University I was handed a membership form by my director and told to fill it out.

How are you or have you been involved in ACL? I currently serve as a CPI indexer and on the ACL Institutional Repository team. I have presented at conference and served on the Christian Library Consortium team and as a board member and president.

Do you any specific interests in the library world? Usability studies