Member of the Month

10/2024 – Meredith Ader

Meredith is the Head of Research and Instruction at the Regent University Library in Virginia Beach, VA (12,000 FTE). Meredith has been a member of ACL since 2017.

Librarian Career

I began my career as a librarian… as an intern initially, having been introduced to academic librarianship at John Wesley University in NC. My family moved that same year to NYS and I eventually was employed with Elim Bible Institute and College, a small Bible college near Rochester, NY. After several years, I changed positions, shifting to Roberts Wesleyan College (now University) as the Head of Access Services. Within a year, I took over the Directorship. I, now, am living the dream. My family still resides in NYS (since my husband is a pastor and we will always live near the church we serve), but I work with Regent University (in VA) as the Head of Research and Instruction. I work remotely and have the awesome job of overseeing all R & I, designing and teaching a required library course, beginning to develop an MSLS program, and working one-on-one with our grad-level students (who mostly also are remote).

One thing I wish I had known as an early career librarian…I wish I had known about ACL while I was completing my master’s. It has been a validating and supportive organization–a great place to make friendships and professional connections. Actually, one thing I am glad I did NOT know early on is how much of a philosophical divide exists between librarians. Had I known of the battle when I was considering library school, I would have run from the field and missed out on the tremendous privilege it has been to work with so many amazing, humble, and passionate students.

Between the Pages: Getting to Know Our Member of the Month

Describe yourself using a book title: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (This has long been one of my favorite books. It’s endearing and complex. For me, it’s like reading like poetry. The main character is a masterful combination of an emotionally transparent version of “what you see is what you get” and something altogether inexplicable and like an introspective old soul. I see myself in the Little Prince for these reasons but also because he’s royalty. What gently hangs about my day to day is this vague realization that while I am continually and clumsily learning how to do this living thing well I also am the daughter of the King. It’s a beautiful and equally simple and complicated realization–much like how The Little Prince unfolds.)

What’s the best thing about being a librarian? I don’t get bored and I get to help folks get a little closer to their goals. It is a privilege to hear students’ passions and to assist them in their development of their education.

What are you currently reading? Penguin Bloom: The Odd Little Bird Who Saved A Family by Cameron Bloom and Bradley Trevor Greive.

How do you as a librarian contribute to your campus or community? I work on our CIRC committee and the AI Task Force: Academic subcommittee, and I recently accepted an evaluator role with SACSCOC.

Do you have any specific interests in the library world? I am interested in establishing an accredited library school from a Christian worldview.

ACL Involvement

How were you introduced to ACL? A wonderfully kind and energetic colleague, Joy Niswander, introduced me to ACL when I came to Elim Bible Institute and College in 2014 as the school’s Library Director.

Describe ACL in three words: Counter-cultural; Professional; Faithful

What do you value about ACL? I am thankful that ACL marries an unapologetic Christian perspective with exceptional professional excellence.

How are you or have you been involved in ACL? I have presented a few workshops, sat on a panel discussion, served as a member-at-large with LAS, and currently serve as the chair for LAS.