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Note from the Coordinator
Happy New Year to one and all! It is a joy, as always, to be a part of ACL and this amazing CILA team. The fall is perhaps my favorite time of the year for CILA work, because the team reviews all the applications for the Global Library Investment Grant. While it is always difficult to allocate our finite funds, it is so encouraging to see the amazing work that is being done around the world by faithful librarians and educators. Whether it is setting up an ILS, pursuing professional development, or updating a library collection, it all helps move God’s kingdom forward in knowledge and witness as we equip our students and the communities we serve. This newsletter highlights the projects that were chosen for this year. Additionally, there are opportunities to be involved that the team is excited to share. Enjoy learning about your fellow members and the work of ACL.
Peace and blessings to each of you in this season.
Erin McCoy
CILA Coordinator
Openings on the CILA Leadership Team
Are you passionate about making an impact on a global scale? CILA is excited to announce two openings for Global Members-at-Large on our Leadership Team!
The Global Member-at-Large is a vital part of the team, contributing broadly without a predefined role. These team members will bring diverse insights, ensuring our decisions are inclusive and well-rounded. They will play a key role in shaping CILA’s initiatives by offering valuable input, expertise, and perspectives.
Duties include:
- Active participation in virtual team meetings via Zoom and email.
- Engagement in the International Interest Group listserv and Zoom meetings.
- Collaboration with team members to achieve goals and meet deadlines for projects such as:
- Quarterly newsletter
- Grant application review
- Resource promotion
How to Apply:
Please create a paragraph- 500 words max- illustrating your library experience, your involvement with ACL or another library organization, and what skills you believe you can contribute to the team, based on the above list. Email Erin McCoy at mccoynazlibrarian@gmail.com directly with your application. In the subject line put “CILA Volunteer Inquiry”. Contact Kristina Claunch, ACL Volunteer Coordinator, with any additional questions.
Congratulations to the 2024 Global Library Investment Grant Recipients
- Ghana Christian University College – Esther Tawiah
Ghana, Africa
For print-based collection development - Tavriski Christian Institute – Nick Gorodetski
Replacement of library technology equipment - Lesotho College Education – Monica Letsoha
Lesotho, Africa
Professional development
International Librarians Special Interest Group Update
The goal of this interest group is to try to meet every other month on Zoom, alternating times and hosts to accommodate all the time zones represented. We will discuss the issues unique to overseas libraries as well as ways to share our expertise and resources with each other. If you have a heart for international libraries or live in a country outside the US, please join our group.
CALA – Christian Association of Librarians in Africa
CALA-K is an acronym for Christian Association of Librarians in Africa. They have a vision similar to ours, they seek to empower Christian librarians through professional development, scholarship, and spiritual encouragement for service in higher education and society in Africa. In the past, ACL has sent librarians to offer training locally and they have sent people to the ACL conference.
We have people helping present at their CALA online conference. If more people are interested we could use another co-presenter or an additional presentation on Zoom.
What is your name? Lilian Jeptoo
Where is your library located? Nairobi, Kenya
What type of library do you work in? Academic – Liberal Arts
How long have you been a librarian? 8+ years
What is your primary library role? Reference and circulation librarian
What do you love most about your library role? Engagement and student success
What challenges do you face in doing your job as an international librarian? Subscriptions and funding
What are some low-budget or free resources you use in your library? Google Scholar and Kenya Law online databases

Dorothy Spidell Conference Scholarship – Now Open!
The Dorothy Spidell Conference Scholarship provides financial assistance for international ACL members (outside the U.S. & Canada) to attend the 2025 ACL Annual Conference at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho (June 1–4, 2025).
Eligibility: Applicants must be 2025 ACL members, practicing academic librarians (full or part-time), or full-time MLIS students.
Scholarship Covers:
✔ Conference registration (On-campus Double Occupancy Package)
✔ Up to $150 per day for incidental travel costs on arrival & departure days (i.e. Transportation from the airport to the conference site, meals on travel days, tips/gratuities)
Applicants are responsible to secure funding for airline tickets.
Application Deadline: March 10, 2025
Recipients will be notified by March 20, 2025.