God’s Bible School and College – Cincinnati, OH – Darya Laverne Sobie

Degree: B.A. in Teacher Education (Elementary)
Nominated by Stephanie Owens, Director of Library Services

Darya has displayed a humble and loving spirit of Christlikeness. In her research, she not only chooses topics of interest to her, but topics with real-world value and an emphasis on cultural diversity. She produces thorough and thoughtful work, taking care to ensure her integrity. Her quiet leadership, clear love for the Lord, and her love for others shine throughout her actions and character.

During Darya’s time as a student at God’s Bible School and College, the war in Ukraine broke out. Having grown up in Ukraine with ministering parents, she brought the students and faculty together to pray for her family and for everyone impacted by the conflict. Through her spirit, those around her were brought together through empathy and compassion for others.

Master’s College and Seminary – Peterborough, ON – Jubilee Rowe

Degree: Bachelor of Theology in Cultural Engagement Studies
Nominated by Ruth Sadlier, Director of Learning Resources

Jubilee Rowe is an exceptional student and leader. Her research and writing serves to demonstrate her care, attention to detail, and integrity. In class, not only does she see theoretical issues, but practical issues that plague our world today. She is very successful in her academics, and very dedicated to her research and to improving the lives of those around her.

Jubilee has served in a number of ways at the Master’s College and Seminary, ultimately becoming the Student Council President. Her team and peers willingly follow and respect her not only because of her intelligence and capability, but because of her high character. Jubilee is an excellent example, exemplifying to others the kind of character and the kind of servant’s heart that a follower of Christ should have.

Mid-Atlantic Christian University – Elizabeth City, NC – Carrington Townes

Degree: B.S. in Biological Sciences
Nominated by Beth Strecker, Interim Library Director & Director of Teacher Education

Carrington is a dedicated young woman, helping others as much as possible and working hard for her own goals. She spends plenty of time in the library conducting research, and she’d like to attend graduate school post-graduation for a degree in human genetics. She hopes that with this degree, she’ll be able to make contributions to the well-being of others and to improve their quality of life. She is a leader both in the classroom and on the basketball court, setting a great example for others.

Carrington has demonstrated many wonderful qualities in regards to her faith. She attends church every Sunday, attends chapel at nearly every opportunity, and is very active in church. She assists her professors as much as possible, to the point that she has reduced the teaching cost of multiple courses. Not only does she display a servant’s heart towards her professors, but also towards her peers. She works as a tutor in her school’s Learning Center, and she is always willing to edit papers or explain content to those who need it.

Mission University – Springfield, MO – Caitlin Wahe

Degree: B.S. in Missions and Bible with Nursing
Nominated by Jon Jones, Director of Library and Academic Services

Caitlin is a model student at Mission University. She has served as a Residence Assistant (RA), is an active member of the Student Government Association, and is an active member of her local church. She participates in a partnership between the American Red Cross, the NCCAA, and the NAIA athletic associations, where she acquires training for coaching, mentoring, and professional leadership. She is excellent in academics, and she excels in her commitment and dedication to others.

Caitlin is currently conducting an independent research project on the Ewe-speaking region of West Africa. She is working to develop an evangelistic plan to reach this group and share the gospel with them. Her Christlike character drives others to lean into church and community, as she does, and she strives to make a positive impact on the lives of not only those around her, but the lives of everyone around the globe.

Ohio Christian University – Circleville, OH – Olivia Bennett

Degree: B.A. in Christian Ministries
Nominated by Tina Craft, Library Director

Olivia has, over and over, displayed dedication and determination throughout all aspects her life. She’s served as a peer tutor, served as a Resident Assistant (RA), served as the Discipleship Leader for the women’s campus discipleship group, and was the only student in the Research Symposium to have developed a research topic over the course of two years. Now, as a young wife, she is the caregiver of a husband who was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and is now going through chemotherapy. Her willingness to serve has truly made her a light in the lives of those around her.

As Olivia finishes her last semester, she is already employed as a full-time youth pastor and has been accepted into the Asbury Theological Seminary. Her leadership and strength of character, combined with her work ethic, makes her a very successful student academically even as she spends incredible quantities of time helping and serving others.

The Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies – Jacksonville, FL – Rachel Mann

Degree: Master of Worship Studies
Nominated by Jennifer Nicholson, Director of Library Services & Institutional Effectiveness

Rachel has demonstrated strong library leadership skills by assisting other students and teaching them how to conduct thorough research through both online and in-person library resources. Her cheerful disposition and enthusiasm for learning has improved the library experience for many of her peers, and her servant’s heart shines through her Master’s internship as she takes her Baptist research and applies it to her local church.

Rachel has, time and time again, shown that she is always willing to serve. She volunteered to take part in a group where students discuss their library experiences and see where the library can improve, leading to her role as a student representative to provide input to library resources and research tools. She has extensively reviewed new tools implemented by the library, giving up her spare time to make the library more accessible for students. Her dedication to the library has had a positive impact on many.