Reference Point Devotional

The Ruler of Kings on Earth

Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. (Revelation 1:4b-5a ESV)

We face unsettling times not only as Christians but also as librarians. Nevertheless, we can take comfort in the Apostle John’s pastoral greetings of grace and peace from God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son. Though people in this world may despise us and undermine God’s truth, we have this assurance that God is sovereign over all. Though our lives may be riddled with uncertainty and concerns, we have this hope that Jesus is ruling. We can look to Him, for He knows our struggles and cares for us.

John wrote these words in Revelation to churches in Asia Minor who had been enduring hard times. The Roman Emperor Domitian had pressured Christians to honor him as “Lord and God,” to affirm a blasphemous falsehood. Others in their communities had made life difficult through open opposition to Christianity. False teachers had led some church members into sinful lifestyles that abused the grace available in Christ. Finally, some churches had failed in their love for others and their Christian duties. All these Christians needed to hear the comforting and often corrective words of Christ. John’s greeting set the tone for these believers who may have wondered as we sometimes do: Where is God in this mess?

As Christians, we see world leaders magnify themselves or promote stances contrary to Biblical teaching. We witness the culture reveling in the love of pleasure rather than the love of God. We mourn the falling away of people who had claimed Jesus as their savior but who now oppose orthodoxy. We feel the hurt in our churches as the love of one’s neighbor gives way to other priorities. Yet God remains constant, knowing our circumstances. King Jesus is the true leader in charge, and nothing escapes his notice.

As librarians, we face a special set of worrisome conditions. Leadership at our institutions changes or makes decisions that may negatively impact our libraries. Tenuous finances and the enrollment cliff threaten closure. Regulations from governments and accrediting agencies demand our attention, as do patrons who misunderstand our policies. Staff unexpectedly quit. Personal conflicts shake us up. Stress, anxiety, and burnout sap our health. Yet God sees it all and provides for us. King Jesus is ruling even when things feel out of control.

Are you worried about the future and the challenges it may bring? Do you feel weary from present pressures in your life? Look to Jesus, the ruler of kings on earth. He is in control. He stands ready to offer grace and peace to us.

Robert Oliverio

Robert serves as the Head Librarian at Arizona Christian University. He has been an ACL member since 2021.