ACL member libraries provide a variety of innovative and new services, programs, and resources to their campus communities. The ACL Award for Excellence in Innovation seeks to recognize these member libraries that are seeking to improve library service on their campus. As ACL member libraries have varying staff sizes and serve a wide variation of populations, this award recognizes that what is innovative for one library will differ from another library and that each library is committed to serving its unique campus community. In addition, innovation may be exhibited in a wide variety of ways which may include one-time events, an annual program, or ongoing service as examples.

Front row left to right: Cambry Fox, Daniela Julca, Abbey Prichard. Second: Anna Houk, Glenda Seifert-staff, Makenna Andrews. Third row: Samuel Powell, Claire Debok, Deborah Iverson. Back row: Mark Hayse-director, Lon Dagley-asst. director. Not pictured: Madeline Angel, Addison Lucchi.

MidAmerica Nazarene University, Olathe, Kansas

Mabee Library
Library Director: Mark Hayse
Submitting ACL Member: Addison Lucchi
Topic: Library Ninjas: Workforce Development & Vocational Exploration Program

The 2025 Award for Excellence in Innovation is awarded to the Mabee Library staff at MidAmerica Nazarene University (MNU) for their innovative Library Ninjas Program. This program was developed as a solution to increase service across campus while providing valuable opportunities for students to explore the field of Library and Information Science (LIS).

The program began after a reduction in force, leading to the need to maintain and expand the university’s library services. Through collaborations with the Career & Workforce Development office and others on campus, the Library Ninjas Program was born, providing library student workers with the opportunity to develop paraprofessional library skills well beyond the typical information desk duties. These “Library Ninjas” are not only gaining valuable work experience but also being introduced to the profession of librarianship as a potential future vocation.

What sets the Library Ninjas Program apart from other workforce development initiatives is its focus on hands-on experience, mentorship, and vocational exploration through the lens of situated learning and narrative identity development. The program has grown to include various specialized tracks in areas such as Instruction, Programming, Cataloging, Marketing, and Technology Support. Each track allows students to focus on areas of personal interest, helping them gain practical workforce experience aligned with their professional goals.

By offering these developmental “tracks,” the Library Ninjas Program provides students with the opportunity to gain focused experience, helping them explore librarianship as a career option, while also developing future library advocates.

Look for a future article in The Christian Librarian detailing this library program.

Is your library doing something new and innovative? Consider sharing by completing an application.


Criteria to apply:

  1. A staff member of the applying library must be a current ACL member.
  2. The innovation must be something you have implemented for the first time or significantly updated in your library within the past academic year (12-18 months).
  3. Winning applicants must be willing to present their library innovation as a workshop or poster presentation at the following year’s ACL conference and/or write an article about their innovation for The Christian Librarian.

Judging Criteria:

Applications will be judged based on the innovativeness of the idea for their campus and staff size. Excellence will be based on the following factors:
  • Impact on the library
  • How the innovation helps the library to better achieve its mission
  • Impact on their campus, specifically students or faculty, or the wider community
  • Extent to which the innovation was implemented at optimum levels
  • Sustainability of the idea (if applicable)


Applications will be judged by a committee of ACL members representing various sized institutions. Judges will not be from libraries that have submitted applications.


ACL Award for Excellence in Innovation winners will be recognized with a plaque. Winning libraries are encouraged to arrange an opportunity for the plaque to be announced at a time and place where this recognition can be celebrated by their entire campus and administration. A letter to the library director and to the college or university administration will be sent from ACL. The college or university will also be included in a list on the ACL website with a brief summary of the innovation.

Past Recipients

2024 – Southwest Assemblies of God University (now Nelson University) – Nelson Memorial Library

2023 – Russell School of Ministry – Elliott Library

2022 – Colorado Christian University – The Clifton L. Fowler Library

2021 – Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Library