February 2025

Note from the Coordinator

Happy February! As this short month gets underway, we’re bringing you a short yet valuable update. While we’ve highlighted a few key vendors below, don’t forget to visit the website for a comprehensive list of all our partnerships. We’re here to answer any questions or provide additional details about the consortial discount opportunities available to you.

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator

Is your CLC Institutional Membership
in good standing?

Did you know ACL offers two types of memberships?

  1. Individual Membership: For individuals, valid from January 1 to December 31.
  2. CLC Institutional Membership: For Christian institutions of higher education, valid from July 1 to June 30.

As we begin the new year, we want to remind our CLC institutional members that maintaining your membership in good standing requires your library to have at least one full ACL individual member.

To ensure compliance, be sure an individual from your library has a full ACL individual membership for the 2025 membership year. If you or someone from your library needs to renew their individual ACL membership, please do so immediately through the MY ACCOUNT section of the ACL website. Those who have renewed their membership for 2025 should have received an email with payment and membership confirmation. If you are unsure of the status of your CLC or individual membership, please don’t hesitate to contact the ACL Home Office for assistance.

In case you missed it last month, we’re excited to remind you about the 15% discount for new subscribers to ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global (PQDT Global) or the ProQuest Religion Database. This is a great opportunity to expand your library’s resources at a reduced cost. Visit the ProQuest offer webpage to find out who to contact for more information or to request a price quote.

Additionally, we’ve started discussions with ProQuest about potential discounts on ebooks. Stay tuned—we’ll share details as they become available.

As you prepare your budgets for the upcoming year, don’t overlook our partnership with Perlego! With a library of over one million books, including theology titles from Zondervan, Eerdmans, Baker, and IVP, Perlego provides robust learning opportunities. Each license grants unlimited access to all titles on the platform. Greater numbers of purchased licenses provide discounts at scale. Want to learn more? Register to join one of our upcoming webinars with Perlego:

Register today or reach out to Ryan Borgesius, (ryan@perlego.com) directly if you’re unable to attend but want details on this valuable offer.

Our long-standing partnership with OCLC continues to bring great value to CLC members. New subscribers to WorldShare Management Services (WMS) can enjoy a 20% discount, and we’re just a few libraries away from reaching the 25% discount level.

In addition, we hope to soon be in conversation with OCLC regarding the possibility of broadening the scope of our partnership to include additional OCLC products..

This month, we’d like to remind you about the fantastic resources available through RightNow Media. With a subscription, your institution gains discounted access to over 20,000 Biblical video resources, benefiting not only your students but also employees, their families, and alumni.

Be sure to visit the offer webpage for pricing details and additional information about this valuable partnership.

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January 2025

Note from the Coordinator

Happy New Year to one and all! It is a joy, as always, to be a part of ACL and this amazing CILA team. The fall is perhaps my favorite time of the year for CILA work, because the team reviews all the applications for the Global Library Investment Grant. While it is always difficult to allocate our finite funds, it is so encouraging to see the amazing work that is being done around the world by faithful librarians and educators. Whether it is setting up an ILS, pursuing professional development, or updating a library collection, it all helps move God’s kingdom forward in knowledge and witness as we equip our students and the communities we serve. This newsletter highlights the projects that were chosen for this year.  Additionally, there are opportunities to be involved that the team is excited to share. Enjoy learning about your fellow members and the work of ACL. 

Peace and blessings to each of you in this season.

Erin McCoy
CILA Coordinator

Openings on the CILA Leadership Team

Are you passionate about making an impact on a global scale? CILA is excited to announce two openings for Global Members-at-Large on our Leadership Team!

The Global Member-at-Large is a vital part of the team, contributing broadly without a predefined role. These team members will bring diverse insights, ensuring our decisions are inclusive and well-rounded. They will play a key role in shaping CILA’s initiatives by offering valuable input, expertise, and perspectives.

Duties include:

  • Active participation in virtual team meetings via Zoom and email.
  • Engagement in the International Interest Group listserv and Zoom meetings.
  • Collaboration with team members to achieve goals and meet deadlines for projects such as:
    • Quarterly newsletter
    • Grant application review
    • Resource promotion

How to Apply:
Please create a paragraph- 500 words max- illustrating your library experience, your involvement with ACL or another library organization, and what skills you believe you can contribute to the team, based on the above list. Email Erin McCoy at mccoynazlibrarian@gmail.com directly with your application. In the subject line put “CILA Volunteer Inquiry”. Contact Kristina Claunch, ACL Volunteer Coordinator, with any additional questions.

Congratulations to the 2024 Global Library Investment Grant Recipients

  1. Ghana Christian University College – Esther Tawiah
    Ghana, Africa
    For print-based collection development
  2. Tavriski Christian Institute – Nick Gorodetski
    Replacement of library technology equipment
  3. Lesotho College Education  – Monica Letsoha
    Lesotho, Africa
    Professional development

International Librarians Special Interest Group Update

The goal of this interest group is to try to meet every other month on Zoom, alternating times and hosts to accommodate all the time zones represented. We will discuss the issues unique to overseas libraries as well as ways to share our expertise and resources with each other. If you have a heart for international libraries or live in a country outside the US, please join our group.

CALA – Christian Association of Librarians in Africa

CALA-K is an acronym for Christian Association of Librarians in Africa. They have a vision similar to ours, they seek to empower Christian librarians through professional development, scholarship, and spiritual encouragement for service in higher education and society in Africa.  In the past, ACL has sent librarians to offer training locally and they have sent people to the ACL conference.

We have people helping present at their CALA online conference.  If more people are interested we could use another co-presenter or an additional presentation on Zoom.

What is your name? Lilian Jeptoo

Where is your library located? Nairobi, Kenya

What type of library do you work in? Academic – Liberal Arts

How long have you been a librarian? 8+ years

What is your primary library role? Reference and circulation librarian

What do you love most about your library role? Engagement and student success

What challenges do you face in doing your job as an international librarian?  Subscriptions and funding

What are some low-budget or free resources you use in your library? Google Scholar and Kenya Law online databases

Dorothy Spidell Conference Scholarship – Now Open!

The Dorothy Spidell Conference Scholarship provides financial assistance for international ACL members (outside the U.S. & Canada) to attend the 2025 ACL Annual Conference at Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho (June 1–4, 2025).

Eligibility: Applicants must be 2025 ACL members, practicing academic librarians (full or part-time), or full-time MLIS students.

Scholarship Covers:
✔ Conference registration (On-campus Double Occupancy Package)
✔ Up to $150 per day for incidental travel costs on arrival & departure days (i.e. Transportation from the airport to the conference site, meals on travel days, tips/gratuities)

Applicants are responsible to secure funding for airline tickets.

Application Deadline: March 10, 2025
Recipients will be notified by March 20, 2025.

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Cataloging Supervisor – Northwest University – Kirkland, WA

Job Summary

Oversee library services during evening shifts, providing customer service and reference assistance. Responsible for Interlibrary Loan and Reserves, collection maintenance, and marketing library services. Supervises library student assistants. Full-time (1 FTE) position.

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Faculty–Instructor/Liaison Librarian – Lipscomb University – Nashville, TN

Job Summary

About Lipscomb University: Lipscomb University is a private Christian university located in the Green Hills neighborhood of Nashville, Tennessee. It is affiliated with the Churches of Christ and committed to preparing learners for purposeful lives through rigorous academics and transformative experiences. About the Department: Lipscomb’s Beaman Library is entering an exciting time of transformation and innovation. Lipscomb University seeks to create a Learning Commons. Key departments providing essential academic services to students have been identified and assembled (Library Services, Coggin Family Academic Success Center, Center for Teaching and Learning, Career Development Center, and the Office of Accessibility and Learning Supports). This collaboration will seamlessly support students and academic success by meeting current scholastic needs and expanding to encourage scholastic creativity. Thus, Beaman Library seeks a dynamic, forward-thinking, and collegial information literacy instruction/liaison librarian eager to liaise with programs, partner with faculty in their teaching and research, and engage with the development of students’ information literacy and research skills needed to succeed in college and career.

Position Description/ Job Summary: This full-time faculty-status position. Requires 40 hours of work each week, including some evening and weekend availability. The Instruction/Liaison Librarian is one member of an energetic, scrappy, creative team that values cultivating students’ curiosity and fostering a learning environment where students and faculty are inspired to create. Primary responsibilities include teaching information literacy skills and concepts in assigned liaison areas, working with teaching faculty in those areas to develop department- and course-specific objectives and providing customized reference services/appointments. Create, maintain, and assess digital learning objects, information literacy instructional materials, and/or services. Assists the Collection Development and Systems librarians with collection development activities related to their departmental and subject assignments. The Instruction/liaison librarian is a dynamic contributor to peer’s success and group initiatives by staying abreast of best practices in librarianship and instruction. He or she will collaborate with colleagues to develop library programming and support outreach initiatives.

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Director of Library Services – Institute for Worship Studies – Jacksonville, FL

Job Summary

The Director of Library Services oversees the Institute for Worship Studies (IWS) library operations to support the mission and curriculum of IWS. The director reports to the IWS Academic Dean. The position is part-time and non-exempt status; 15 hours per week.

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January 2025

Note from the Coordinator

Happy New Year! I pray that you had a blessed Christmas season. May 2025 be a year that is marked by a renewed commitment to share Christ’s love in all we do. May our institutions of Christian higher education be empowered by the Holy Spirit to equip students for lives of faithful service. Please take note of this month’s vendor updates below.

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator

Good News! ProQuest has agreed to offer a 15 percent discount on PQDT Global and on ProQuest Religion to CLC members who are not current subscribers. For further information, as well as to get a price quote for your library, please contact your ProQuest (Clarivate) account manager and let them know you are a CLC member and are entitled to the 15 percent discount. If you don’t have an account manager or don’t know who your library’s account manager is, please contact Lindsey Newman: Lindsey.Newman@clarivate.com, who is serving as the primary contact person at ProQuest for the CLC member discount.   

Thank you to those who have responded regarding your interest in participating in this ACRL Benchmark group subscription. We do not yet have the 6 libraries needed to begin a group subscription. Please feel free to email clc@acl.org with any questions or to receive an update. 

A member of our team met with a representative from Accordance Bible Software. In Spring 2025 they are planning to implement a web portal subscription model with an FTE-based cost scale. They seem open to providing a discount for CLC members. We plan to resume the conversation once the product has launched.  

We recently received an updated discount list from Emery-Pratt. Please see the website for details.

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Timeline: Ongoing 

New subscribers to Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT Global) or Proquest Religion Database receive a 15% discount off list price.

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December 2024

Note from the Coordinator

Greetings, CLC members! It is somehow now the last month of 2024. In some ways, December can bring a sense of finality as we wrap up a school semester and prepare to end another calendar year. But there is also the sense of the hope and joy of new beginnings as we enter the Advent season and rejoice in the birth of our Savior, the One who makes all things new. May we all trust that He who is our Alpha and Omega, our Beginning and End, will carry us through all seasons of life. 

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator

Don’t Miss Out on This Exclusive CLC Offer—Order by December 13!

SAVE 30%

Take advantage of this highly popular opportunity to enhance your library collection:

  • Save 30% on new 2024 collections in Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministry/Missions, Leadership, and Mental Health.
  • Enjoy the same 30% discount on any of the four 2023 collections or consortia-eligible à la carte titles of your choosing (minimum order: $1,000).
  • Save 10% on select Zondervan/HarperCollins titles.

Visit the EBSCO offer page for complete title lists and offer details. For pricing questions or to place an order, contact our dedicated representative, Robin Corder, today.

Secure these resources for your library while the discounts are available!

We have heard from a few of you, but we would need 6 libraries to participate to initiate any cost savings. Please email clc@acl.org if you have questions about this potential discount or are interested in participating.

The CLC team is exploring a possible discount opportunity with Ubiquity, one of our 2024 conference sponsors. Ubiquity provided CLC members with an informational webinar about their institutional repository platform and a proposed consortial discount.  You can access the webinar recording here (Passcode: E@Q1a%53). Please note that the pricing information shared in the webinar is dependent upon the CLC accepting Ubiquity as a vendor – the top row is their regular pricing, the lower row would be the discounted consortium pricing. Ubiquity is planning to launch a micro repository option early next year for smaller institutions with more limited content needs. Pricing is still to be determined. If you have any interest in participating in a CLC consortial repository opportunity with Ubiquity, please contact clc@acl.org so we will know how/if to move forward in our conversation with Ubiquity.

Your CLC leadership team has begun (or in some cases, trying to begin) conversations with the following vendors to negotiate new discounts or expand existing partnerships: Accordance Bible Software, Grammarly, Loeb Digital Library, OCLC, and Proquest. We will provide more information as we have it available. 

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November 2024

Note from the Coordinator

Happy November! As Thanksgiving approaches, it is a good time to reflect on the many blessings in our lives.  Most of all, we are grateful for the gift of Jesus, God’s only Son.

We can also be thankful for a rich Christian heritage.  As my state, Tennessee, recognizes November as Christian Heritage Month, we can celebrate how our families, churches and educational institutions build on this legacy by providing Christian education.

This month we also remember those around the world who have been and still are being persecuted for their faith in Christ.  May their lives inspire us to be faithful servants who leave a legacy of faith for those who come behind us.

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator


Save 30% on the new collections in Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministry/Missions, Leadership, and Mental Health, on any of the four 2023 collections, or on consortia-eligible a la carte titles of your choosing ($1000 minimum order). A 10% discount is available on selected Zondervan/HarperCollins titles. Please see the ACL website for title lists and all the details. For pricing questions or to place an order, please reach out to our rep, Robin Corder.

In a webinar on October 22, Robin highlighted the terms of the offer and provided helpful information about building and placing a la carte orders on the ECM platform. As a bonus, for those interested, she took some time after the main part of the webinar to show some additional features of ECM and eBook Manager. 

The ACRL Benchmark tool provides U.S. libraries with an invaluable resource for making data-driven decisions through custom peer comparisons. Subscribers gain access to interactive data dashboards with visualizations and filters, as well as a custom report builder that includes longitudinal data dating back to 1998. This tool can be especially useful if academic library data is no longer collected by IPEDS.

The pricing for group subscriptions offers significant savings. For up to 10 libraries, the annual cost is $3,150, with each additional library costing $210. (To compare, individual subscriptions are $630 per year.) If six libraries participate, there’s a 15% savings, and with 10 libraries, the discount increases to 50%. The more libraries that join, the greater the discount, making it a cost-effective option for groups.

Additional Offer Details:

  • A group subscription can start at any time and is valid for one year from the purchase date.
  • A minimum of 6 libraries must participate to activate group savings.
  • ACRL can bill each institution individually.
  • New schools can join at any time during the subscription period, but they will be billed at the original price and will share the same expiration date as the rest of the group.
  • At renewal, pricing will be based on the number of renewing subscribers and any new members.

We have heard from a couple of you. If you’re interested in joining this group subscription to ACRL Benchmark, please fill out this form by November 15 so we can see if we have enough libraries to stat the group subscription at this time. 

Webinar Opportunity

The CLC team is exploring a possible discount opportunity with Ubiquity, one of our 2024 ACL Conference sponsors. Ubiquity will provide CLC members with an informational webinar about their institutional repository platform and the proposed consortial discount.  The webinar will take place November 20 at 2 pm EST. A recording of the webinar will be made available afterward.

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Call for Presentations

We’re thrilled to invite you to be part of what makes the ACL Annual Conference so impactful – the presentations shared by librarians! The 2025 Call for Presentation Proposals is now open, and this year’s theme, Libraries: Gems of the Community, highlight how libraries serve as essential centers for learning and connections.

Presentations from library colleagues are a cornerstone of the ACL Annual Conference, enriching our collective learning experience. We are seeking well-researched, engaging presentations that balance theory and practice. Topic ideas along with presentation formats, selection criteria and timeline are on the Conference Presentations Webpage. In addition, approved presenters are eligible to receive a registration discount for Conference.

Are you wondering what makes a solid presentation proposal? Do you want feedback on your idea or the chance to collaborate with others? Perhaps you need a little direction to get started? If any of these resonate with you, join us for the ACL Conference Presentation Proposal Lab on either:

We will guide you through the proposal process, help refine your ideas, and provide encouragement.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to present at the 2025 ACL Annual Conference. Please submit your presentation proposal by December 5th, 2024.*

If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Kind Regards,

Miriam Liethen
ACL Presentation Coordinator

* By submitting a proposal, you indicate your intention to register for Conference during the Early Bird Registration, and commit to attending at least one day of Conference in Idaho.

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