Note from the Coordinator
Greetings, CLC members! It is somehow now the last month of 2024. In some ways, December can bring a sense of finality as we wrap up a school semester and prepare to end another calendar year. But there is also the sense of the hope and joy of new beginnings as we enter the Advent season and rejoice in the birth of our Savior, the One who makes all things new. May we all trust that He who is our Alpha and Omega, our Beginning and End, will carry us through all seasons of life.

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator
Don’t Miss Out on This Exclusive CLC Offer—Order by December 13!
Take advantage of this highly popular opportunity to enhance your library collection:
- Save 30% on new 2024 collections in Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministry/Missions, Leadership, and Mental Health.
- Enjoy the same 30% discount on any of the four 2023 collections or consortia-eligible à la carte titles of your choosing (minimum order: $1,000).
- Save 10% on select Zondervan/HarperCollins titles.
Visit the EBSCO offer page for complete title lists and offer details. For pricing questions or to place an order, contact our dedicated representative, Robin Corder, today.
Secure these resources for your library while the discounts are available!
We have heard from a few of you, but we would need 6 libraries to participate to initiate any cost savings. Please email if you have questions about this potential discount or are interested in participating.
The CLC team is exploring a possible discount opportunity with Ubiquity, one of our 2024 conference sponsors. Ubiquity provided CLC members with an informational webinar about their institutional repository platform and a proposed consortial discount. You can access the webinar recording here (Passcode: E@Q1a%53). Please note that the pricing information shared in the webinar is dependent upon the CLC accepting Ubiquity as a vendor – the top row is their regular pricing, the lower row would be the discounted consortium pricing. Ubiquity is planning to launch a micro repository option early next year for smaller institutions with more limited content needs. Pricing is still to be determined. If you have any interest in participating in a CLC consortial repository opportunity with Ubiquity, please contact so we will know how/if to move forward in our conversation with Ubiquity.
Your CLC leadership team has begun (or in some cases, trying to begin) conversations with the following vendors to negotiate new discounts or expand existing partnerships: Accordance Bible Software, Grammarly, Loeb Digital Library, OCLC, and Proquest. We will provide more information as we have it available.