
December 2024

Note from the Coordinator

Greetings, CLC members! It is somehow now the last month of 2024. In some ways, December can bring a sense of finality as we wrap up a school semester and prepare to end another calendar year. But there is also the sense of the hope and joy of new beginnings as we enter the Advent season and rejoice in the birth of our Savior, the One who makes all things new. May we all trust that He who is our Alpha and Omega, our Beginning and End, will carry us through all seasons of life. 

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator

Don’t Miss Out on This Exclusive CLC Offer—Order by December 13!

SAVE 30%

Take advantage of this highly popular opportunity to enhance your library collection:

  • Save 30% on new 2024 collections in Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministry/Missions, Leadership, and Mental Health.
  • Enjoy the same 30% discount on any of the four 2023 collections or consortia-eligible à la carte titles of your choosing (minimum order: $1,000).
  • Save 10% on select Zondervan/HarperCollins titles.

Visit the EBSCO offer page for complete title lists and offer details. For pricing questions or to place an order, contact our dedicated representative, Robin Corder, today.

Secure these resources for your library while the discounts are available!

We have heard from a few of you, but we would need 6 libraries to participate to initiate any cost savings. Please email if you have questions about this potential discount or are interested in participating.

The CLC team is exploring a possible discount opportunity with Ubiquity, one of our 2024 conference sponsors. Ubiquity provided CLC members with an informational webinar about their institutional repository platform and a proposed consortial discount.  You can access the webinar recording here (Passcode: E@Q1a%53). Please note that the pricing information shared in the webinar is dependent upon the CLC accepting Ubiquity as a vendor – the top row is their regular pricing, the lower row would be the discounted consortium pricing. Ubiquity is planning to launch a micro repository option early next year for smaller institutions with more limited content needs. Pricing is still to be determined. If you have any interest in participating in a CLC consortial repository opportunity with Ubiquity, please contact so we will know how/if to move forward in our conversation with Ubiquity.

Your CLC leadership team has begun (or in some cases, trying to begin) conversations with the following vendors to negotiate new discounts or expand existing partnerships: Accordance Bible Software, Grammarly, Loeb Digital Library, OCLC, and Proquest. We will provide more information as we have it available. 

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11/2024 – John Leonetti

John is the Reference and Instruction Librarian at Naugatuck Valley Community College/Max R. Traurig Library in Waterbury, CT (2996 FTE). He has been a member of ACL for 8 years.

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Hope in the Midst of Uninvited Challenges

“I have said these things to you that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 ESV

Sometimes our hopes and expectations are dashed; things we would not have chosen happen to us or our loved ones. Sometimes these things are consequences of our own doings. Other times, these uninvited, difficult things, such as changes to or in our jobs, issues with colleagues or patrons, problems in work or family relationships, unanticipated changes in our institutions, or unexpected health issues, seem to just happen.

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November 2024

Note from the Coordinator

Happy November! As Thanksgiving approaches, it is a good time to reflect on the many blessings in our lives.  Most of all, we are grateful for the gift of Jesus, God’s only Son.

We can also be thankful for a rich Christian heritage.  As my state, Tennessee, recognizes November as Christian Heritage Month, we can celebrate how our families, churches and educational institutions build on this legacy by providing Christian education.

This month we also remember those around the world who have been and still are being persecuted for their faith in Christ.  May their lives inspire us to be faithful servants who leave a legacy of faith for those who come behind us.

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator


Save 30% on the new collections in Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministry/Missions, Leadership, and Mental Health, on any of the four 2023 collections, or on consortia-eligible a la carte titles of your choosing ($1000 minimum order). A 10% discount is available on selected Zondervan/HarperCollins titles. Please see the ACL website for title lists and all the details. For pricing questions or to place an order, please reach out to our rep, Robin Corder.

In a webinar on October 22, Robin highlighted the terms of the offer and provided helpful information about building and placing a la carte orders on the ECM platform. As a bonus, for those interested, she took some time after the main part of the webinar to show some additional features of ECM and eBook Manager. 

The ACRL Benchmark tool provides U.S. libraries with an invaluable resource for making data-driven decisions through custom peer comparisons. Subscribers gain access to interactive data dashboards with visualizations and filters, as well as a custom report builder that includes longitudinal data dating back to 1998. This tool can be especially useful if academic library data is no longer collected by IPEDS.

The pricing for group subscriptions offers significant savings. For up to 10 libraries, the annual cost is $3,150, with each additional library costing $210. (To compare, individual subscriptions are $630 per year.) If six libraries participate, there’s a 15% savings, and with 10 libraries, the discount increases to 50%. The more libraries that join, the greater the discount, making it a cost-effective option for groups.

Additional Offer Details:

  • A group subscription can start at any time and is valid for one year from the purchase date.
  • A minimum of 6 libraries must participate to activate group savings.
  • ACRL can bill each institution individually.
  • New schools can join at any time during the subscription period, but they will be billed at the original price and will share the same expiration date as the rest of the group.
  • At renewal, pricing will be based on the number of renewing subscribers and any new members.

We have heard from a couple of you. If you’re interested in joining this group subscription to ACRL Benchmark, please fill out this form by November 15 so we can see if we have enough libraries to stat the group subscription at this time. 

Webinar Opportunity

The CLC team is exploring a possible discount opportunity with Ubiquity, one of our 2024 ACL Conference sponsors. Ubiquity will provide CLC members with an informational webinar about their institutional repository platform and the proposed consortial discount.  The webinar will take place November 20 at 2 pm EST. A recording of the webinar will be made available afterward.

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Call for Presentations

We’re thrilled to invite you to be part of what makes the ACL Annual Conference so impactful – the presentations shared by librarians! The 2025 Call for Presentation Proposals is now open, and this year’s theme, Libraries: Gems of the Community, highlight how libraries serve as essential centers for learning and connections.

Presentations from library colleagues are a cornerstone of the ACL Annual Conference, enriching our collective learning experience. We are seeking well-researched, engaging presentations that balance theory and practice. Topic ideas along with presentation formats, selection criteria and timeline are on the Conference Presentations Webpage. In addition, approved presenters are eligible to receive a registration discount for Conference.

Are you wondering what makes a solid presentation proposal? Do you want feedback on your idea or the chance to collaborate with others? Perhaps you need a little direction to get started? If any of these resonate with you, join us for the ACL Conference Presentation Proposal Lab on either:

We will guide you through the proposal process, help refine your ideas, and provide encouragement.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to present at the 2025 ACL Annual Conference. Please submit your presentation proposal by December 5th, 2024.*

If you have any questions, feel free to email me.

Kind Regards,

Miriam Liethen
ACL Presentation Coordinator

* By submitting a proposal, you indicate your intention to register for Conference during the Early Bird Registration, and commit to attending at least one day of Conference in Idaho.

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Idaho Awaits: Your Roadmap to Affordable Participation in the 2025 ACL Annual Conference

2025 ACL Annual Conference – In-Person Only

For the past several years, ACL has included an online component in our annual conference. However, due to declining virtual participation and rising technical costs, there will be no virtual component for the 2025 ACL Annual Conference. Instead, ACL will be offering other virtual professional development opportunities throughout the year. This shift allows us to fully dedicate our resources to making the in-person gathering a truly enriching experience with embodied engagement and learning alongside Christian librarians in similar roles.

Making Conference Participation Affordable

We encourage you to start mapping your attendance strategy for the 2025 ACL Annual Conference, held June 2-4 in Nampa, Idaho, at Northwest Nazarene University. We understand that financial limitations are often roadblocks to attending the conference, and ACL remains committed to creating pathways to make participation as affordable as possible despite rising costs. We’re pleased to announce that our hosting library at Northwest Nazarene University has secured a grant to help reduce expenses for attendees in 2025.

Here are additional ways to make conference participation more budget-friendly:

  • Christian Periodical Indexers: If you index for the Christian Periodical Index, you can double your indexing token compensation to be used as credit towards your conference registration. Some indexers have paid very little out of pocket by using this benefit!
  • Presenters Discount: Selected presenters receive up to $50 off their registration, so consider submitting a proposal and sharing your expertise.
  • Institutional Support: Many university administrators view conference participation as vital for faculty to stay current in their field, share research, and network with peers, all while enhancing their institution’s visibility. Presenting a workshop or poster at conference may increase your institution’s willingness to cover your expenses, so start brainstorming presentation ideas early!
  • Non-Traditional Funding Avenues: Explore alternative routes through grants or special institutional funding.
  • Conference Scholarships: Multiple pathways to funding are available through ACL, including the new Jeanette Parker Memorial Conference Scholarship for ACL members pursuing an MLIS or MLS degree.
  • Be an Early Bird: Get on the fast track to savings by signing up during the Early Bird period and receive an automatic $15 discount on your registration.
  • Travel Economically: Chart a cost-effective journey by sharing rides or coordinating travel plans with colleagues to reduce transportation costs.

Stay tuned as we continue to map out more updates and announcements in the coming months, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need directions along the way.

We hope to see you in Idaho!

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10/2024 – Meredith Ader

Meredith is the Head of Research and Instruction at the Regent University Library in Virginia Beach, VA (12,000 FTE). Meredith has been a member of ACL since 2017.

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The Ruler of Kings on Earth

Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. (Revelation 1:4b-5a ESV)

We face unsettling times not only as Christians but also as librarians. Nevertheless, we can take comfort in the Apostle John’s pastoral greetings of grace and peace from God the Father, God the Holy Spirit, and God the Son. Though people in this world may despise us and undermine God’s truth, we have this assurance that God is sovereign over all. Though our lives may be riddled with uncertainty and concerns, we have this hope that Jesus is ruling. We can look to Him, for He knows our struggles and cares for us.

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October 2024

Note from the Coordinator

Hello friends! Another month has gone by, and the semester is almost halfway over.  I hope you have some sort of mid-semester or Fall Break coming up.  

This month’s update is brief, but I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss out on an exciting opportunity. Our annual EBSCO eBook offer is back, and it’s as popular as ever! It’s a fantastic deal that brings great value to both small and large institutions alike. Be sure to register for the webinar with Robin Coder below if you are interested in learning more about the ordering process.

After hearing of your interest, the CLC team is excited to present you with a new discount opportunity on ACRL Benchmark. Keep reading for more details.

Wishing you all the best as we head into the second half of the semester!

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator


Our annual offer is now open with 4 new collections in Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministry/Missions, Leadership, and Mental Health.  Save 30% on these collections, on any of the four 2023 collections, or on consortia-eligible a la carte titles of your choosing ($1000 minimum order).  A 10% discount is available on selected Zondervan/HarperCollins titles.  Please see the ACL website for title lists and all the details. 

For pricing questions or to place an order, please reach out to our rep, Robin Corder.


Robin Corder will present a webinar this October on how to use ECM for eBook selection and ordering. This session is ideal for those interested in this popular eBook offer and will cover searching the ECM catalog, selecting titles, and placing orders.

Tuesday, October 22  |  2 PM Eastern  |  Zoom

Please register by clicking the button below and the Zoom participation details will be sent soon. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the EBSCO eBook money-saving offer for your library.

The ACRL Benchmark tool provides U.S. libraries with an invaluable resource for making data-driven decisions through custom peer comparisons. Subscribers gain access to interactive data dashboards with visualizations and filters, as well as a custom report builder that includes longitudinal data dating back to 1998. This tool can be especially useful if academic library data is no longer collected by IPEDS.

The pricing for group subscriptions offers significant savings. For up to 10 libraries, the annual cost is $3,150, with each additional library costing $210. (To compare, individual subscriptions are $630 per year.) If six libraries participate, there’s a 15% savings, and with 10 libraries, the discount increases to 50%. The more libraries that join, the greater the discount, making it a cost-effective option for groups.

Additional Offer Details:

  • A group subscription can start at any time and is valid for one year from the purchase date.
  • A minimum of 6 libraries must participate to activate group savings.
  • ACRL can bill each institution individually.
  • New schools can join at any time during the subscription period, but they will be billed at the original price and will share the same expiration date as the rest of the group.
  • At renewal, pricing will be based on the number of renewing subscribers and any new members.

If you’re interested in joining this group subscription to ACRL Benchmark, please fill out this form by October 31. We’ll confirm participation and see if we have enough libraries to start the group subscription.

SAVE 15%

The Christian Periodical Index® (CPI®) (ISSN 2572-1933) is the comprehensive electronic index to journal articles and book reviews from across the evangelical Christian perspective. CPI, first released in 1957, is updated quarterly by ACL volunteers and produced and distributed by EBSCO.

  • Contains titles from a wide variety of disciplines that present a Christian viewpoint — education, history, literature, medicine, music, nursing, philosophy, science, and sociology
  • 103 titles indexed in CPI are not found in other major religion databases and 70 titles are found ONLY in CPI
  • Indexing done by ACL members
  • New in 2022! Users can limit search results to linked full text or peer-reviewed journals, and search by scripture citation

CLC members are eligible for a 15% discount on CPI available through EBSCO. Contact EBSCO to get a price quote or a trial version. Be sure to mention you are a CLC member to get the 15% savings!

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9/2024 – Addison Lucchi

Addison is a Instructional & Research Librarian / Professor at MidAmerica Nazarene University (1500 FTE) in Olathe, KS. Addison has been a member of ACL for six years.

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