CLC Update

March 2025

Note from the Coordinator

Hello, loyal members! I hope you’re all doing well. As I write this, the temperatures are below freezing, and snow covers the ground—but spring is just around the corner! With the new season comes some exciting CLC annual offers that you won’t want to miss. Read on for the latest updates and opportunities available to you.

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator

Current CLC Membership Period: July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025

2025 ACL Conference – CLC Member Discount

Registration for the 2025 ACL Annual Conference is officially open! Now is the perfect time to secure your spot at ACL’s keystone event. Individual ACL members save $90 on registration, but if your library has staff who are not individual ACL members, they can still take advantage of a special discount available exclusively to CLC members.

As a CLC member, your library can send one non-ACL member to the conference at the member rate—a $90 savings. Email for instructions on redeeming this offer.

Register by March 18 to save an additional $15 off your registration. Don’t miss this opportunity to maximize savings while joining us for an incredible conference experience in Idaho. We look forward to seeing you there!

In February, Perlego provided two webinars for our members. These 30-minute webinars allowed attendees to

  • Find out more about Perlego and how they work with Christian learning institutions in the US.
  • Get an introduction to Perlego’s user-friendly platform with a demo.
  • Hear a case study from a CLC member about the impact Perlego has had on their campus. 
  • Take part in a Q&A session with our reps, Ryan Borgesius and Almu Garcia.

If you could not attend, but are interested in learning more about Perlego and the opportunity to save with CLC discounted prices, please reach out to Ryan or Almu.  They will be happy to meet with you individually to provide more information or answer any questions. 

Another chance to save on eBooks is coming soon. Our Fall EBSCO eBook offer will reopen in April! Stay tuned—updated details will be posted on the website later this month.

Save the date for Overdrive’s Consortium Connect ’25. This webinar will take place on April 17 at 1 pm Eastern.  Join Overdrive for an in-depth look at the benefits libraries can receive by sharing an academic collection. The 1-hour webinar will cover an introduction to Overdrive’s products and services, consortium testimonials and success stories, a look at the consortium structure and overview, and a time for Q&A.  While this webinar will not cover contract or pricing information specific to any one group, it should be beneficial for prospective libraries with questions about how an Overdrive consortium works.


Open enrollment for our Bloomsbury offer begins May 15—it’ll be here before you know it! CLC members enjoy at least 15% off Bloomsbury purchases and subscriptions, including popular theological products such as the Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries and Dictionaries and Eerdman’s Bible Commentaries. Stay tuned—updated details will be posted on the website as we get closer to May.

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February 2025

Note from the Coordinator

Happy February! As this short month gets underway, we’re bringing you a short yet valuable update. While we’ve highlighted a few key vendors below, don’t forget to visit the website for a comprehensive list of all our partnerships. We’re here to answer any questions or provide additional details about the consortial discount opportunities available to you.

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator

Is your CLC Institutional Membership
in good standing?

Did you know ACL offers two types of memberships?

  1. Individual Membership: For individuals, valid from January 1 to December 31.
  2. CLC Institutional Membership: For Christian institutions of higher education, valid from July 1 to June 30.

As we begin the new year, we want to remind our CLC institutional members that maintaining your membership in good standing requires your library to have at least one full ACL individual member.

To ensure compliance, be sure an individual from your library has a full ACL individual membership for the 2025 membership year. If you or someone from your library needs to renew their individual ACL membership, please do so immediately through the MY ACCOUNT section of the ACL website. Those who have renewed their membership for 2025 should have received an email with payment and membership confirmation. If you are unsure of the status of your CLC or individual membership, please don’t hesitate to contact the ACL Home Office for assistance.

In case you missed it last month, we’re excited to remind you about the 15% discount for new subscribers to ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global (PQDT Global) or the ProQuest Religion Database. This is a great opportunity to expand your library’s resources at a reduced cost. Visit the ProQuest offer webpage to find out who to contact for more information or to request a price quote.

Additionally, we’ve started discussions with ProQuest about potential discounts on ebooks. Stay tuned—we’ll share details as they become available.

As you prepare your budgets for the upcoming year, don’t overlook our partnership with Perlego! With a library of over one million books, including theology titles from Zondervan, Eerdmans, Baker, and IVP, Perlego provides robust learning opportunities. Each license grants unlimited access to all titles on the platform. Greater numbers of purchased licenses provide discounts at scale. Want to learn more? Register to join one of our upcoming webinars with Perlego:

Register today or reach out to Ryan Borgesius, ( directly if you’re unable to attend but want details on this valuable offer.

Our long-standing partnership with OCLC continues to bring great value to CLC members. New subscribers to WorldShare Management Services (WMS) can enjoy a 20% discount, and we’re just a few libraries away from reaching the 25% discount level.

In addition, we hope to soon be in conversation with OCLC regarding the possibility of broadening the scope of our partnership to include additional OCLC products..

This month, we’d like to remind you about the fantastic resources available through RightNow Media. With a subscription, your institution gains discounted access to over 20,000 Biblical video resources, benefiting not only your students but also employees, their families, and alumni.

Be sure to visit the offer webpage for pricing details and additional information about this valuable partnership.

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January 2025

Note from the Coordinator

Happy New Year! I pray that you had a blessed Christmas season. May 2025 be a year that is marked by a renewed commitment to share Christ’s love in all we do. May our institutions of Christian higher education be empowered by the Holy Spirit to equip students for lives of faithful service. Please take note of this month’s vendor updates below.

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator

Good News! ProQuest has agreed to offer a 15 percent discount on PQDT Global and on ProQuest Religion to CLC members who are not current subscribers. For further information, as well as to get a price quote for your library, please contact your ProQuest (Clarivate) account manager and let them know you are a CLC member and are entitled to the 15 percent discount. If you don’t have an account manager or don’t know who your library’s account manager is, please contact Lindsey Newman:, who is serving as the primary contact person at ProQuest for the CLC member discount.   

Thank you to those who have responded regarding your interest in participating in this ACRL Benchmark group subscription. We do not yet have the 6 libraries needed to begin a group subscription. Please feel free to email with any questions or to receive an update. 

A member of our team met with a representative from Accordance Bible Software. In Spring 2025 they are planning to implement a web portal subscription model with an FTE-based cost scale. They seem open to providing a discount for CLC members. We plan to resume the conversation once the product has launched.  

We recently received an updated discount list from Emery-Pratt. Please see the website for details.

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December 2024

Note from the Coordinator

Greetings, CLC members! It is somehow now the last month of 2024. In some ways, December can bring a sense of finality as we wrap up a school semester and prepare to end another calendar year. But there is also the sense of the hope and joy of new beginnings as we enter the Advent season and rejoice in the birth of our Savior, the One who makes all things new. May we all trust that He who is our Alpha and Omega, our Beginning and End, will carry us through all seasons of life. 

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator

Don’t Miss Out on This Exclusive CLC Offer—Order by December 13!

SAVE 30%

Take advantage of this highly popular opportunity to enhance your library collection:

  • Save 30% on new 2024 collections in Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministry/Missions, Leadership, and Mental Health.
  • Enjoy the same 30% discount on any of the four 2023 collections or consortia-eligible à la carte titles of your choosing (minimum order: $1,000).
  • Save 10% on select Zondervan/HarperCollins titles.

Visit the EBSCO offer page for complete title lists and offer details. For pricing questions or to place an order, contact our dedicated representative, Robin Corder, today.

Secure these resources for your library while the discounts are available!

We have heard from a few of you, but we would need 6 libraries to participate to initiate any cost savings. Please email if you have questions about this potential discount or are interested in participating.

The CLC team is exploring a possible discount opportunity with Ubiquity, one of our 2024 conference sponsors. Ubiquity provided CLC members with an informational webinar about their institutional repository platform and a proposed consortial discount.  You can access the webinar recording here (Passcode: E@Q1a%53). Please note that the pricing information shared in the webinar is dependent upon the CLC accepting Ubiquity as a vendor – the top row is their regular pricing, the lower row would be the discounted consortium pricing. Ubiquity is planning to launch a micro repository option early next year for smaller institutions with more limited content needs. Pricing is still to be determined. If you have any interest in participating in a CLC consortial repository opportunity with Ubiquity, please contact so we will know how/if to move forward in our conversation with Ubiquity.

Your CLC leadership team has begun (or in some cases, trying to begin) conversations with the following vendors to negotiate new discounts or expand existing partnerships: Accordance Bible Software, Grammarly, Loeb Digital Library, OCLC, and Proquest. We will provide more information as we have it available. 

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November 2024

Note from the Coordinator

Happy November! As Thanksgiving approaches, it is a good time to reflect on the many blessings in our lives.  Most of all, we are grateful for the gift of Jesus, God’s only Son.

We can also be thankful for a rich Christian heritage.  As my state, Tennessee, recognizes November as Christian Heritage Month, we can celebrate how our families, churches and educational institutions build on this legacy by providing Christian education.

This month we also remember those around the world who have been and still are being persecuted for their faith in Christ.  May their lives inspire us to be faithful servants who leave a legacy of faith for those who come behind us.

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator


Save 30% on the new collections in Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministry/Missions, Leadership, and Mental Health, on any of the four 2023 collections, or on consortia-eligible a la carte titles of your choosing ($1000 minimum order). A 10% discount is available on selected Zondervan/HarperCollins titles. Please see the ACL website for title lists and all the details. For pricing questions or to place an order, please reach out to our rep, Robin Corder.

In a webinar on October 22, Robin highlighted the terms of the offer and provided helpful information about building and placing a la carte orders on the ECM platform. As a bonus, for those interested, she took some time after the main part of the webinar to show some additional features of ECM and eBook Manager. 

The ACRL Benchmark tool provides U.S. libraries with an invaluable resource for making data-driven decisions through custom peer comparisons. Subscribers gain access to interactive data dashboards with visualizations and filters, as well as a custom report builder that includes longitudinal data dating back to 1998. This tool can be especially useful if academic library data is no longer collected by IPEDS.

The pricing for group subscriptions offers significant savings. For up to 10 libraries, the annual cost is $3,150, with each additional library costing $210. (To compare, individual subscriptions are $630 per year.) If six libraries participate, there’s a 15% savings, and with 10 libraries, the discount increases to 50%. The more libraries that join, the greater the discount, making it a cost-effective option for groups.

Additional Offer Details:

  • A group subscription can start at any time and is valid for one year from the purchase date.
  • A minimum of 6 libraries must participate to activate group savings.
  • ACRL can bill each institution individually.
  • New schools can join at any time during the subscription period, but they will be billed at the original price and will share the same expiration date as the rest of the group.
  • At renewal, pricing will be based on the number of renewing subscribers and any new members.

We have heard from a couple of you. If you’re interested in joining this group subscription to ACRL Benchmark, please fill out this form by November 15 so we can see if we have enough libraries to stat the group subscription at this time. 

Webinar Opportunity

The CLC team is exploring a possible discount opportunity with Ubiquity, one of our 2024 ACL Conference sponsors. Ubiquity will provide CLC members with an informational webinar about their institutional repository platform and the proposed consortial discount.  The webinar will take place November 20 at 2 pm EST. A recording of the webinar will be made available afterward.

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October 2024

Note from the Coordinator

Hello friends! Another month has gone by, and the semester is almost halfway over.  I hope you have some sort of mid-semester or Fall Break coming up.  

This month’s update is brief, but I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss out on an exciting opportunity. Our annual EBSCO eBook offer is back, and it’s as popular as ever! It’s a fantastic deal that brings great value to both small and large institutions alike. Be sure to register for the webinar with Robin Coder below if you are interested in learning more about the ordering process.

After hearing of your interest, the CLC team is excited to present you with a new discount opportunity on ACRL Benchmark. Keep reading for more details.

Wishing you all the best as we head into the second half of the semester!

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator


Our annual offer is now open with 4 new collections in Biblical Studies, Pastoral Ministry/Missions, Leadership, and Mental Health.  Save 30% on these collections, on any of the four 2023 collections, or on consortia-eligible a la carte titles of your choosing ($1000 minimum order).  A 10% discount is available on selected Zondervan/HarperCollins titles.  Please see the ACL website for title lists and all the details. 

For pricing questions or to place an order, please reach out to our rep, Robin Corder.


Robin Corder will present a webinar this October on how to use ECM for eBook selection and ordering. This session is ideal for those interested in this popular eBook offer and will cover searching the ECM catalog, selecting titles, and placing orders.

Tuesday, October 22  |  2 PM Eastern  |  Zoom

Please register by clicking the button below and the Zoom participation details will be sent soon. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the EBSCO eBook money-saving offer for your library.

The ACRL Benchmark tool provides U.S. libraries with an invaluable resource for making data-driven decisions through custom peer comparisons. Subscribers gain access to interactive data dashboards with visualizations and filters, as well as a custom report builder that includes longitudinal data dating back to 1998. This tool can be especially useful if academic library data is no longer collected by IPEDS.

The pricing for group subscriptions offers significant savings. For up to 10 libraries, the annual cost is $3,150, with each additional library costing $210. (To compare, individual subscriptions are $630 per year.) If six libraries participate, there’s a 15% savings, and with 10 libraries, the discount increases to 50%. The more libraries that join, the greater the discount, making it a cost-effective option for groups.

Additional Offer Details:

  • A group subscription can start at any time and is valid for one year from the purchase date.
  • A minimum of 6 libraries must participate to activate group savings.
  • ACRL can bill each institution individually.
  • New schools can join at any time during the subscription period, but they will be billed at the original price and will share the same expiration date as the rest of the group.
  • At renewal, pricing will be based on the number of renewing subscribers and any new members.

If you’re interested in joining this group subscription to ACRL Benchmark, please fill out this form by October 31. We’ll confirm participation and see if we have enough libraries to start the group subscription.

SAVE 15%

The Christian Periodical Index® (CPI®) (ISSN 2572-1933) is the comprehensive electronic index to journal articles and book reviews from across the evangelical Christian perspective. CPI, first released in 1957, is updated quarterly by ACL volunteers and produced and distributed by EBSCO.

  • Contains titles from a wide variety of disciplines that present a Christian viewpoint — education, history, literature, medicine, music, nursing, philosophy, science, and sociology
  • 103 titles indexed in CPI are not found in other major religion databases and 70 titles are found ONLY in CPI
  • Indexing done by ACL members
  • New in 2022! Users can limit search results to linked full text or peer-reviewed journals, and search by scripture citation

CLC members are eligible for a 15% discount on CPI available through EBSCO. Contact EBSCO to get a price quote or a trial version. Be sure to mention you are a CLC member to get the 15% savings!

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September 2024

Note from the Coordinator

Greetings! I imagine most of us are in the thick of all that happens at the beginning of a new semester. May God give us all the strength and wisdom to navigate the challenges that may come, but also the grace and spiritual eyes to see His hand at work.  

Thank you to everyone who has already responded! We have one final request: please review the vendors and products listed to the right. If any of these catch your interest, kindly send a quick email to to let us know. Your input will be invaluable as we prepare for an upcoming planning meeting. The more we understand member interests, the better we can serve you. As always, feel free to submit additional suggestions through the Suggestion Form on our website.

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator

Act Now: SEPTEMBER Key Offers and Webinar Opportunity

SAVE 10%

Affordable Resource for Small Institutions

Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) provides access to over 25,000 theological thesis/dissertation titles. Our partnership with TREN offers CLC members a 10% discount (possibly higher based on participation) on an annual subscription. Those who already subscribe to TREN through the CLC offer will receive a notification of continuance. To participate as a new subscriber, please fill out the order form. Deadline for participation is September 11.

SAVE 10%

Affordable Resource for Small Institutions

Did you know that CLC members receive a 10% discount on a subscription to Galaxie’s Theological Journal Library (TJL)? The deadline to take advantage of this year’s offer is September 11. Whether you’re a new or renewing subscriber through CLC, be sure to fill out the order form to update your FTE and secure your discount. If you’re a current TJL subscriber (not through CLC) and would like to transition to the ACL/CLC billing cycle to benefit from the cost savings, please contact Hampton Keathley and fill out the order form as soon as possible.

SAVE 10%

Save 10% on an annual Meescan license! Also, libraries new to Meescan that purchase before March 31, 2025 will receive a $200 equipment credit toward the costs of kiosks or security stations. Want more information about Meescan? A demo is scheduled for Monday, September 16, at 2 pm EST. Register here:

SAVE 30%

Save up to 30% on eBooks from EBSCO! The CLC annual offer will open mid-September and run through mid-December. We are working to finalize the collections that will be offered. Details, including title lists, will be posted on the website when they are available.

Save $100 off the registration price to the Internet Librarian Conference!

Link to register:

Please email to receive the group discount code.

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August 2024

Note from the Coordinator

Greetings! I trust your summer is going well. Maybe you have had a chance to work on those ubiquitous summer projects. But I hope you have also had (or will have) a chance to renew and recharge before the busyness of a new school year begins. 

We want to welcome David Purdy as our newest CLC team member-at-large! David is the University Librarian at Crandall University in New Brunswick. He will be working with Scott in reaching out to and negotiating with new vendor partners as we continue to explore new discount opportunities.

Speaking of which, please take a look at the vendors/products listed below. If any of these are of specific interest to you, we would request that you just send a quick email to letting us know.  As we plan and talk to vendors, it will be helpful to know the areas of greatest interest to you. Proquest has already asked us about member interest.   

You may always submit other suggestions to us via the Suggestion Form.

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator

SAVE 20%

We have just received updated CLC discount pricing for ThirdIron’s LibKey product. Libraries at all FTE levels receive a minimum of 20% off list price, with a greater discount for our smallest members. For more information about LibKey, click here: To find out your library’s exact discount price, or to start or renew a subscription using the CLC discount, contact Ted Tyson at: You can also view these details on the website.

The enrollment and renewal period is NOW open through September 11.

SAVE 10%

Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) provides access to over 25,000 theological thesis/dissertation titles. Our partnership with TREN offers CLC members a 10% discount (possibly higher based on participation) on an annual subscription. Those who already subscribe to TREN through the CLC offer will receive a notification of continuance. To participate as a new subscriber, please fill out the order form. Deadline for participation is September 11.

SAVE 10%

Did you know that CLC members get a 10% discount on a subscription to Galaxie’s Theological Journal Library (TJL)? The deadline to participate in this year’s offer is September 11. Please fill out the order form. Current TJL subscribers can transition to the ACL/CLC billing cycle to take advantage of the cost savings. Please contact Hampton Keathley and fill out the order form as soon as possible if you are interested in making this switch.

SAVE 10%

Save 10% on an annual Meescan license! Also, libraries new to Meescan that purchase before March 31, 2025 will receive a $200 equipment credit toward the costs of kiosks or security stations. Want more information about Meescan? A demo is scheduled for Monday, September 16, at 2 pm EST.  Please register via the link below:

SAVE 30%

Make plans to participate in the CLC EBSCO Fall 2024 eBook offer, which will run mid-September through mid-December! We will provide more details as they become available

Save $100 off the registration price to the Internet Librarian Conference!

Link to register:

Please email to receive the group discount code.

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July 2024

Note from the Coordinator

Greetings! I want to thank each one of you for renewing your CLC membership for 2024-2025! I trust that your membership will continue to be of benefit to your library. 

This format is our new mode of communication that will be distributed to the primary and secondary contact of your CLC record. You can come back to the CLC Update portion of our website at anytime to view these updates.

To all who were able to attend either the CLC Membership Meeting at the in-person conference or the Lunch with CLC during the virtual portion (or both), we were glad to see you! We appreciated your interaction and feedback. For those who couldn’t make it, a short recap of the information shared is below.

Looking forward to another great year together,

Beth Purtee
CLC Team Coordinator

CLC Meeting Summary

The CLC team was introduced, including Beth Purtee as the CLC Team Coordinator, along with Pam Greenlee, Rebekah Leidenfrost, and Scott Lloyd as members-at-large. The goals for 2023-2025 were discussed, with the 2023-2024 objectives focusing on recruiting an additional member-at-large, expanding consortial vendor options, and investigating the expansion of the Reciprocal Borrowing Program to include virtual libraries. For 2024-2025, the goals include recruiting another member-at-large to assist with vendor partnerships, continuing to expand vendor options, and collaborating with the ACL Home office to make changes to the CLC newsletter.

Time-sensitive offers were highlighted, including deals from Perlego (June 21), EBSCO Spring Offer (June 21), World Trade Press (July 1), and Bloomsbury (July 14). Updates on the ACL Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Reciprocal Borrowing Programs (RBP) were provided. The ACL ILL continues to support smaller schools and make unique collections available, with thanks extended to lenders. The ACL RBP is being reviewed to potentially include virtual-only libraries and to clarify policies for lenders.

Current conversations about new discounts are ongoing or forthcoming with several potential partners, including AM Digital, Docuseek, Grammarly, Loeb Digital Library, ACRL Benchmark, and Proquest. Members are encouraged to express interest in these possibilities by contacting or submitting additional suggestions via the Suggestion Form.

During the Q&A session, discussions covered the timeline for new offers, with survey results indicating a bi-annual release to capture a broader audience. The CLC leadership confirmed that CLC members receive a 15% discount on CPI and reviewed details on products such as Third Iron and Perlego. Questions were raised as to whether ACRL Benchmark’s offer applies only to the US and if the offer from Demco would return; these were noted for further investigation. Suggestions included exploring consortial discounts for Bible software like Accordance and direct physical purchase offers from publishers (i.e. Baylor UP, B&H Academic, Lexham).

Below are a few pictures from the CLC Meeting and Poster at the 2024 ACL Annual Conference.

There is still time to take advantage of our Bloomsbury consortial discount, but the open enrollment period closes July 14.  In addition to the minimum 15% consortial discount available to CLC members, Bloomsbury is currently providing a special discount on some of their religion resources – deadline also July 14.

An additional 10% discount is available for the following products:

ABC-CLIO World Religions

Theology & Religion Online:

For the Bloomsbury ebook collections linked below, there is a 20-35% discount available:

Bloomsbury Collections

  • Take 20% off Frontlist Collections (2022, 2023, 2024) 
  • 35% off Backlist Collections (2021 and earlier/Archive) 

Please contact Katie Bennett, our Bloomsbury rep, for quotes/pricing information.

Did you know that CLC members get a 10% discount on a subscription to Galaxie’s Theological Journal Library (TJL)? The deadline to participate in this year’s offer is September 11. Please fill out the order form on the website. Current TJL subscribers can transition to the ACL/CLC billing cycle to take advantage of the cost savings. Please contact Hampton Keathley and fill out the order form as soon as possible if you are interested in making this switch.

Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN) provides access to over 25,000 theological thesis/dissertation titles. Our partnership with TREN offers CLC members a 10% discount (possibly higher based on participation) on an annual subscription. Those who already subscribe to TREN through the CLC offer will receive a notification of continuance. To participate as a new subscriber, please fill out the order form on the website. Deadline for participation is September 11.

Make plans to participate in the CLC EBSCO Fall 2024 eBook offer, which will run mid-September through mid-December! We will provide more details as they become available

Interested in a self-checkout option for your library?  Meescan offers CLC members a 10% discount on an annual license.  A webinar/demo of their product, including an additional equipment discount, will be coming soon. Watch for details. 

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