Job Summary
Biola University is seeking an individual with strong aptitudes for collaboration, connecting well with faculty and students, thriving in a classroom setting, and proactively serving a thriving learning community. A candidate may be as much as two years away from the completion of an MLIS program. Everything else can be learned on the job as a member of the Biola library team. This fall, Biola is enjoying its third consecutive year of enrollment increases as students are drawn to Biola’s unique learning community where all faculty, staff, and students are professing Christians focused on truth (patterns of thought), transformation (patterns of heart) and testimony (patterns of action). This position will actively advance Biola’s mission of “biblically centered education, scholarship and service — equipping men and women in mind and character to impact the world for the Lord Jesus Christ.” In more formal language, the Assistant Librarian for Research and Instruction holds a key role in a collaborative library team to ensure that the Biola community develops skills in discovering, evaluating, and using scholarly resources by providing research support and instruction and assisting in curating the library collection needed to support research assignments within assigned liaison schools’ curriculum. Salary depends upon rank. Example: Assistant Librarian 1 ($6,703 per month) or Assistant Librarian 2 ($7,154 per month).