- Alaska Bible College
Palmer, AK - Alaska Christian College
Soldotna, AK - Alberta Bible College
Calgary, AB CAN - American Baptist College
Nashville, TN - Anderson University – SC
Anderson, SC - Arizona Christian University
Glendale, AZ - Asbury Theological Seminary – KY
Wilmore, KY - Asbury University
Wilmore, KY - Ascent College
Hampton, VA - Ashland Theological Seminary
Ashland, OH - Asia Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary
Taytay, Rizal PHL - Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary
Jacksonville, TX - Bethel University – IN
Mishawaka, IN - Bethel University – MN
St. Paul, MN - Bethlehem College & Seminary
Minneapolis, MN - Bethune-Cookman University
Daytona Beach, FL - Beulah Heights University
Atlanta, GA - Biola University
La Mirada, CA - Blue Mountian Christian University
Blue Mountain, MS - Bob Jones University
Greenville, SC - Boise Bible College
Boise, ID - Brewton-Parker College
Mt Vernon, GA - Caldwell University
Caldwell, NJ - California Baptist University
Riverside, CA - California Lutheran University
Thousand Oaks, CA - Calvary Chapel Bible College
Twin Peaks, CA - Calvary University
Kansas City, MO - Canadian Baptist Theological Seminary & College
Cochrane, AB CAN - Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary
Hamilton, ON CAN - Carolina College of Biblical Studies
Fayetteville, NC - Carson-Newman University
Jefferson City, TN - Carver Baptist Bible College, Institute and Theological Seminary
Kansas City MO - Cedarville University
Cedarville, OH - Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis
Plymouth, MN - Central Christian College of the Bible
Moberly, MO - City Seminary of New York
New York, NY - Clear Creek Baptist Bible College
Pineville, KY - College of Biblical Studies
Houston, TX - Columbia Bible College
Abbotsford, BC CAN - Columbia International University
Columbia, SC - Concordia Seminary
St. Louis, MO - Concordia University – CA
Irvine, CA - Corban University
Salem, OR - Cornerstone University
Grand Rapids, MI - Covenant College
Lookout Mountain, GA - Covenant Theological Seminary
Saint Louis, MO - Crandall University
Moncton, NB CAN
- Criswell College
Dallas, TX - Crown College
Saint Bonifacius, MN - Dallas Baptist University
Dallas, TX - Dallas International University
Dallas, TX - Dallas Theological Seminary
Dallas, TX - Dordt University
Sioux Center, IA - Emmanuel University
Franklin Springs, GA - Emmaus Bible College
Dubuque, IA - EPIC Bible College and Graduate School
Sacramento, CA - Evangel University
Springfield, MO - Every Nation Seminary
Taguig City, Metro Manila PHL - Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary
Ankeny, IA - Family of Faith Christian University
Shawnee, OK - Faulkner University
Montgomery, AL - Friends University
Wichita, KS - Fuller Theological Seminary
Pasadena, CA - Gateway Seminary
Ontario, CA - Geneva College
Beaver Falls, PA - George Fox University
Newberg, OR - God’s Bible School and College
Cincinnati, OH - Gordon College
Wenham, MA - Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
South Hamilton, MA - Grace Christian University
Grand Rapids, MI - Grace College & Theological Seminary
Winona Lake, IN - Grace School of Theology
The Woodlands. TX - Grand Canyon University
Phoenix, AZ - Great Commission University
Howe, IN - Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Taylors, SC - Harding University
Searcy, AR - Heartland Christian College
Bethel, MO - Heritage Bible College – NC
Dunn, NC - Heritage Christian University
Florence, AL - Heritage College & Seminary
Cambridge, Ontario CAN - Highlands College
Birmingham, AL - Hope International University
Fullerton, CA - Huntington University
Huntington, IN - Immaculata University
Immaculata, PA - Indian Bible College
Flagstaff, AZ - Indiana Wesleyan University
Marion, IN - Jerusalem University College
Jerusalem, Israel - Johnson University
Knoxville, TN - Kentucky Christian University
Grayson, KY - Kentucky Mountain Bible College
Jackson, KY - Kingswood University
Sussex, NB CAN - Kuyper College
Grand Rapids, MI - Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School
Lancaster, PA - Lee University
Cleveland, TN - Liberty University
Lynchburg, VA
- Life Pacific University
San Dimas, CA - Lipscomb University
Nashville, TN - Louisiana Christian University
Pineville, LA - Louisville Bible College
Louisville, KY - Lumbee River Christian College
Shannon, NC - Luther Rice College & Seminary
Lithonia, GA - Manhattan College
Bronx, NY - Manna University
Fayetteville, NC - Maranatha Baptist University
Watertown, WI - Memphis City Seminary
Memphis, TN - Messiah University
Mechanicsburg, PA - MidAmerica Nazarene University
Olathe, KS - Mid-Atlantic Christian University
Elizabeth City, NC - Mid-South Christian College
Memphis, TN - Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Kansas City, MO - Mission University
Springfield, MO - Montana Bible College
Billings, MT - Moody Bible Institute
Chicago, IL - Mount Aloysius College
Cresson, PA - Mount St Joseph University
Cincinnati, OH - Nazarene Theological Seminary
Kansas City, MO - Nelson University
Waxahachie, TX - New Saint Andrews College
Moscow, ID - North Central University
Minneapolis, MN - Northern Seminary
Lisle, IL - Northpoint Bible College
Haverhill, MA - Northeastern Baptist College
Bennington, VT - Northwest Nazarene University
Nampa, ID - Northwest University
Kirkland, WA - Northwestern College
Orange City, IA - Ohio Christian University
Circleville, OH - Oklahoma Christian University
Edmond, OK - Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Bartlesville, OK - Olivet Nazarene University
Bourbonnais, IL - Ozark Christian College
Joplin, MO - Pacific Rim Christian University
Honolulu, HI - Patrick Henry College
Purcellville, VA - Pensacola Christian College
Pensacola, FL - Phoenix Seminary
Phoenix, AZ - Point Loma Nazarene University
San Diego, CA - Point University
West Point, GA - Providence University College & Seminary
Otterburne, MB CAN - Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Grand Rapids, MI - Randall University
Moore, OK - Redeemer University
Ancaster, ON - Redemption Seminary
Chandler, AZ - Reformed Presbyterian Thological Seminary
Pittsburgh, PA - Regent College
Vancouver, BC CAN - Regent University
Virginia Beach, VA
- Rosedale Bible College
Irwin, OH - Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary
Ambler, PA - Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Saint Mary of the Woods, IN - San Diego Christian College
Santee, CA - Shasta Bible College and Graduate School
Redding, CA - Shepherds Theological Seminary
Cary, NC - Shorter University
Rome, GA - Simpson University
Redding, CA - South Asia Institute of Advanced Christian Studies
Bangalore, Karnataka INDIA - Southeast Asia Bible Seminary
Malang, Jawa Timur INDONESIA - Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Wake Forrest, NC - Southern Bible Institute & College
Dallas, TX - Southern Methodist College
Orangeburg, SC - Southern Nazarene University
Bethany, OK - Southern Wesleyan University
Central, SC - Southwest Baptist University
Bolivar, MO - Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Fort Worth, TX - Spring Arbor University
Spring Arbor, MI - Summit Pacific College
Abbotsford, BC CAN - Taylor University – IN
Upland, IN - TCM International Institute
Heiligenkreuz, Lower Austria AUSTRIA - Texas Baptist Institute & Seminary
Henderson, TX - The Master’s University
Santa Clarita, CA - The Robert E. Webber Institute Worship Studies
Jacksonville, FL - The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology
Seattle, WA - Toccoa Falls College
Toccoa Falls, GA - Trevecca Nazarene University
Nashville, TN - Trinity Anglican Seminary
Ambridge, PA - Trinity Bible College & Graduate School
Ellendale, ND - Trinity International University
Deerfield, IL - Trinity Western University
Langley, BC CAN - Truett McConnell University
Cleveland, GA - Tyndale University
Toronto, ON CAN - Union University
Jackson, TN - University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Belton, TX - University of Northwestern – St. Paul
Saint Paul, MN - Vancouver School of Theology
Vancouver, BC CAN - Vanguard College
Edmonton, AB CAN - Virginia Christian College
Dumfries, VA - Welch College
Gallatin, TN - Wesley Biblical Seminary
Ridgeland, MS - West Coast Baptist College
Lancaster, CA - Westminster Seminary California
Escondido, CA - Westminster Theological Seminary
Philadelphia, PA - Westmont College
Santa Barbara, CA - Whitworth University
Spokane ,WA - William Carey International University
Pasadena, CA - Word of Life Institute
Pottersville, NY