2025 ACL Annual Conference

June 1-4 | Northwest Nazarene University | Nampa, ID

The Association of Christian Librarians hosts an annual conference in order to inform attendees about contemporary trends in librarianship, stimulate professional development, encourage networking, and provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas. The conference is also one way that ACL can bring our members into community to encourage one another as Christian librarians primarily serving in Christian higher education around the globe. Librarians should attend who are looking to advance in their profession, engage with like-minded professionals, and be encouraged for the upcoming year.

ACL members, be sure to log in to the MY ACCOUNT area FIRST
to receive your $90 registration discount!

Make plans to join us in 2025!

We are thrilled to invite you to the 2025 ACL Annual Conference, themed “Libraries: Gems of the Community.” This year’s conference is truly historic, as it’s the first time in our 65+ year history that ACL will gather for our conference in the beautiful state of Idaho.

Join us at Northwest Nazarene University, nestled in the heart of the Boise Valley in Nampa, Idaho, where our gracious librarian hosts are eager to welcome you. ACL’s annual cornerstone event offers unparalleled opportunities for professional development, networking, and spiritual encouragement, all set against the backdrop of Idaho’s stunning landscape.

Make plans now to be part of this special event, and celebrate the vital role libraries play as treasures within our communities.

2025 ACL Conference Coordinating Team

Amy Rice
2025 Host Librarian
Northwest Nazarene University

Miriam Liethen
Presentations Coordinator
Grace College & Seminary

Nathanael Davis
Technology Coordinator
Cedarville University

William Modrow
Poster Session Coordinator
Miami University – Ohio

Sarah Wessel
Vendor Coordinator
Association of Christian Librarians

April McKinion
Conference Manager
Association of Christian Librarians

Important Conference-Related Events/Dates

2025 Conference Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Copper Sponsor
Copper Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor

Help librarians participate in the ACL Annual Conference!

Finances are tight and professional budgets are often the first to go. Any donation made towards conference through April 14 will help librarians who need financial assistance participate in conference.

Be sure to choose “ACL Conference” from the Donation Type dropdown menu if you want your donation to be used towards conference.

Disclaimer: The Association of Christian Librarians (ACL) welcomes a diverse range of speakers, vendors, participants, and entertainers at our conference. The views and opinions expressed by these individuals or organizations do not necessarily reflect those of ACL. The identity and values of ACL are best represented through our Purpose, Statement of Faith, and Faith Affirmation.