General Conference Questions

  • What is new and different about the 2025 ACL Annual Conference?
    • There will not be a virtual element connected to the in-person conference in 2025. There will be other virtual professional development opportunities offered at other times during the academic year.
    • Please plan to arrive Sunday, June 1 to campus because the conference program with start first-thing Monday morning, June 2.
    • The programming will run for three full days, Monday through Wednesday ending at 4 PM on Wednesday.
    • Both ACL-Pro plenary workshops are INCLUDED with your conference registration. Attendees have the opportunity to receive Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for participation in these workshops.
  • What will be the cost of the 2025 Conference?
    Please check the Registration Rates & Info page for the 2025 rates. Registration is expected to open the end of February.
  • Are there scholarships available for the 2025 Conference?
    Yes! Please see our conference scholarship page for more details and note the March 10 & 31 deadlines.
  • What is meant by “Library Student Rate” on the conference registration forms?
    If you are currently enrolled in a MLS or MLIS library degree program then you can take advantage of the discounted rate reserved for those getting their librarian degree.
  • Will Wednesday night on-campus accommodations be available? 
    Yes, registrants will have the opportunity to add Wednesday night on-campus lodging to their registration. This option is particularly helpful for those flying back East, as there are limited flight options available after 4 PM on Wednesday, June 4.
  • Can I present a workshop at your conference?
    The call for presentations is already closed for 2025. Please consider presenting a poster session.
  • Will the conference sessions be recorded so that we can go back to watch the ones we missed?
    We are unable to offer recordings of the 2025 sessions.
  • Can I bring my spouse with me and stay on campus this year?
    We have a few rooms that will accommodate married couples. Please email April McKinion to see if space is available before you register. The attendee will need to register for double occupancy on the Conference Registration Form and put their spouse down as their roommate. Then the spouse will need to fill out the Guest Registration Form and add double occupancy for each night they plan to stay on campus as well as any meals they plan to eat.
  • Can my guest attend the conference sessions with me? 
    Your guest is invited to add any desired on-campus meals to their Guest Registration Form and eat those meals with you. They are welcome to join the morning devotions and attend your presentation if you are a workshop presenter. However, please note that all other conference sessions are integral parts of the program and have costs associated with them. If your guest wishes to participate in these sessions, it is recommended that they register as an attendee rather than a guest.
  • Has the location been determined for the 2026 ACL Conference?
    Yes, it will be back in the Midwest. Stay tuned for specific details to be announced soon.
  • How can I coordinate a ride to Northwest Nazarene University from the Boise airport?
    Information will be included in your conference registration confirmation email.

If you have additional questions, please email or call (937-766-2255) the ACL Conference Manager, April McKinion.

Disclaimer: The Association of Christian Librarians (ACL) welcomes a diverse range of speakers, vendors, participants, and entertainers at our conference. The views and opinions expressed by these individuals or organizations do not necessarily reflect those of ACL. The identity and values of ACL are best represented through our Purpose, Statement of Faith, and Faith Affirmation.