The official publication of the ACL, The Christian Librarian serves to publish articles, provide a membership forum, and encourage writing. Issues include the Christian interpretation of librarianship, theory and practice of library science, bibliographic essays, reviews, and human interest articles relating to books and libraries.
In 1957, The Christian Librarian (TCL) began as a newsletter detailing the first official Christian Librarians Conference on the campus of Nyack Missionary College; information on conference presentations and solutions for library challenges were included. TCL continues to offer a variety of content including book reviews, articles, and peer-reviewed content. Articles are relevant to faith and librarianship and best practices in library science. The Christian Librarian is available in print format and through open access, which has increased its visibility outside of the Association.
The publication is indexed in the Christian Periodical Index, Information Science Abstracts, and Library Literature. The Christian Librarian is a member of the Evangelical Press Association. Issues are available in microform from UMI, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106.
ISSN for TCL print version: 0412-3131
2024 Print Publication Update
In June 2024, the ACL Board of Directors approved a significant change in our publication strategy. Beginning with volume 68 (2025), ACL will transition to a fully digital format for The Christian Librarian (TCL). ACL will cease printing bound copies of TCL after volume 67 (2024). The journal will continue to be available open access online and open to all.
Print Subscription Information
Print subscriptions will no longer be available after 2024. For those interested in past print issues, please contact info@acl.org for purchase options.
We invite you to contribute to the publication!

Issues dating back to 2000 are available through open access.
TCL Team
Joshua Avery, Editor-in-Chief
Wheaton College
Addison Lucchi, Editor for Reviews
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Lana Wilson, Editor
Taylor University
Denise Nelson, Copy Editor
Point Loma Nazarene University